Kenny x Stan - 1

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!This will contain Smut!


(Stan Pov)


I rushed downstairs opening the door seeing Kenny and Kyle who have been knocking or other words banging on my door for me to come out, "dude we're already late!" Kyle stated crossing his arms a bit upset making me chuckle.

"I had to feed my dog, there was no way of me leaving him alone without food!" I responded closing the door behind me as we headed to Token's house.

"I can't wait to get wasted and find a hot girl!" Kenny said grinning as Kyle rolled his eyes peeking over at me seeing I was pouting a bit, I've already had a crush on Kenny and Kyle was the only person who knew about it.

I felt Kyle move closer as Kenny didn't notice and kept talking about how he hopes all the girls would be going all slutty tonight, sighing I gave a small smile to Kyle "knowing you, you'll find someone and make them really happy" I said seeing Kenny smile.

"I'm really good at making them happy" he mumbled making me look down again.

as we got to Token's house we all walked in seeing Craig and Tweek already making out on the sofa and Wendy talking to Bebe as Clyde was drunk already as Token was keeping Clyde from doing anything stupid.

I felt Kenny drag me away from Kyle who rolled his eyes and walked over to Butters who were dancing while drinking, good thing Kyle is there to keep him safe now. I looked back over at Kenny seeing him leading us to the kitchen where all the beer were making me smile.

"you know me too well Ken" I said smirking grabbing one of the cans and drinking it all as Kenny was already on his second one, "I'll meet you up later k?" he said spotting Red who was wearing a tank top with very short shorts.

I sat down by the table watching everyone have fun as I kept drinking not long after I felt someone sit beside me seeing Wendy and Bebe grinning, "heyy Stan you wanna do something fun?" Bebe said a bit drunk as Wendy giggled.

"what is it?" I asked confuse as Bebe took me upstairs with Wendy who followed, we soon enter a spare bedroom as Bebe pulled off her backpack grinning as she pulled out a wig and makeup.

wait what is going on?!

"u-um guys why you have those?" I asked worried as Wendy giggled again, "S-Stan we got to do this, please it's a dare!" Wendy admitted making me clam down. hearing it was a dare made me feel better since they still had a brain to tell me what was going on.

I yelp backing up as Babe tried pulling down my pants "Bebe!" I hissed out seeing her looking at me confuse as she was holding out some slutty shorts and a shirt that thin that would show my belly.

maybe she is way too drunk...

"I-I'll do it just get out and let me get ready alone" I hissed out as Wendy nodded pulling the drunk Bebe out as I got those slutty clothes on putting on the black wig looking into the mirror to see I didn't look that bad... why did I have to be born in a girly body?

"Stan you done yet?" Wendy asked getting a bit bored as I open the door seeing her face light up, "Stan I own you soo much!" she said smiling pulling me downstairs to a group who were playing truth or dare.

"wow you did good" Cartman said shocked staring at me in shock, before I could tell them who I was I felt hands wrap around me making me jump from the sudden touch, looking around to see Kenny who was already grinning as he was drunk leaning his head on my shoulder.

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