Stan x Craig - 8

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(Stan Pov)


opening my eyes letting out a small sigh listening the the rain crashing onto the car, wiping down the misty window with my sleeve watching as my boyfriend spoke to the girl behind the counter seeing her cheeks red and biting her lip while he had his flirty smile that I've grown to love...

I couldn't help but tear up a little knowing I should feel angry and shout at him but I love him...

he soon pulled up the girl's hand kissing it before winking making me wipe my eyes removing the tears as he left the store and walked over with his hood up and hopped into the driving side with a smile, "bloody hell it's cold in here" he mumbled putting on the heater after pulling down his wet hood.

sighing I looked at his hand wanting to hold it and smiles a tiny bit reaching over but as soon my hand made contact with his, Craig's hand moved away from me as he glared at me with those hateful stare "Babe I'm about to drive, do you want me to crash?!" he scolded making me look down to my knees as my voice became shaky, "s-sorry.." I whispered missing his touch...

holding in my tears not wanting to anger him just wanting to go back in time before he started losing interest in me, the times when we could hang out and talk all day and night, cuddle under our blanket and watch videos full of cringe and laugh...

I miss my Craig...

watching out the window feeling the car stop after a while hearing the rain has slowed down and the car door beside me as slammed closed without a word, biting my bottom lip I soon followed after closing my car door and walked behind Craig into our house.

"hey Stan, I'm sorry about before" Craig mumbled turning around after I closed the door looking at him with a sweet smile "oh it's fine Craig, don't be sorry you were right" I said knowing what he wants to hear as his hands went to my hips leaning over and kissed my cheek gently.

feeling my cheeks heat up loving Craig whenever he's in this mood "hey Hun I'm kinda hungry, might cooking me something?" he asked smiling earning me to nod pecking his lips before going to the kitchen to make him to make a sandwich hearing his words that made me smile "love you Stan" he called after.

an hour later I turned around in the bed staring at Craig's pillow just wanting him to sleep beside me, I stood up pushing my messy black hair out of my eyes and walked down the hall to his office seeing him on his desk on his laptop typing away.

"Babe... let's go bed together, you been working since we got in" I mumbled waiting outside the door watching as Craig looked over with a angry glare, "how many times have I told you not to disturb me when I work!?" he shouted getting up making my heart skip a beat "s-sorry I won't do it again" I said tearing up as my body stopped moving closing my eyes tightly before gasping in pain covering my cheek as the stinging started forming, I didn't dare look at him hearing him mumbles words under his breath "fucking worthless.." making me walk back to our bedroom and cried until darkness took me...

waking up the next morning feeling strong arms around my waist turning around slowly to not wake him up seeing his sleeping face with his lips parted... he looked... happy like this, "if I'm not all you need... set me free" I whispered tearing up a little pecking his cheek gently before slowly sliding out from under his arm and started getting ready hoping into the shower.

after moments in the shower the tears running down my cheeks and my breathing getting harder... I knew I needed help and get out but... not breathing felt peaceful.. a shot of pain ran through my legs and hips opening my eyes slowly noticing I passed out feeling the water hitting my wet body...

wrapping my arms around my bruised knees just wanting to be happy... "Craig... help me..." I whispered in a begging tone shaking badly...

slowly standing up using the wall for support turning the shower off and getting dried off holding in the pain like a pro while getting dressed, my body jumped hearing loud knocking on the bathroom door "Stan what the fuck is taking so long! Open up right now!" he shouted doing as told and before I could explain I was back on the floor with the air knocked out of me making me laugh feeling my stomach hurting from how hard Craig kicked...

"Never do this shit again!" he shouted but his voice sounded faded but looking up at him slowly his angry glare turned into panic as everything went dark...

opening my eyes slowly jumping at the sound of Craig's voice looking over to see him staring at me worried "S-Stan are you ok? you been staring at the sunset for ages..." he said worried making me confuse before looking back at the sun noticing we're on the hill we always went for dates...

"w-when did.." I couldn't finished what I was saying before bursting out in tears feeling Craig's strong arms around me tightly "h-hey why you crying? did someone hurt you?" he said worried acting just like the boy I fell for first...

"N-No one hurt me... just.. I love you Craig don't ever change" I mumbled hugging him tightly back hearing him chuckle a little before feeling his sweet and gentle kiss "I'll always love you Stan, I want to marry you and grow old" he stated making me lean on his shoulder watching the sunset go down slowly before closing my eyes slowly...

Slowly opening my eyes feeling my body hurting everywhere seeing I was in bed and Craig beside him, "hey.. you're awake.. um sorry for what happen... I just.. never wanted to hurt you" he whispered making me smile a little knowing he said those words so many times... but I can't deny him... those lies... I can handle.

days went on the same of Craig going into his soft act and then getting angry over tiny things... watched as random people left the house after I finished work... I felt numb...

slowly entering the house seeing Craig in his boxers with messy hair... well... sex hair..

I couldn't handle this feeling anymore having dream Craig waiting for me...

"hey babe how was your morning?" I mumbled acting as if I didn't just watched the girl left our house, "pretty good. how was work?" he responded not even looking over at me... "it was fine" I replied before picking up a pen from the side and going to 'our' room.

staring at the bottle of pills I bought today before opening my bedside table staring at the two filled bottles, water bottle and my note... "I-I'll be free..." I whispered to myself opening the cap of the one I had in my hand and started swallowing using the water to support me...

after a bottle... I didn't feel anything but my whole body kept shaking making the tears run down but no sound was heard as I did the same with the two other bottles...

my body felt weird as I started coughing badly tearing up on my knees and hands staring at the floor below me fitting the floor feeling my body hurting badly, always thinking this was the only way... but now it's happening I'm scared...

breathing was hard to do... as everything around me went blurry hearing the door open as a loud scream of horror "Stan! STAN STAY WITH ME! Craig's voice shouted making me happy knowing in my last moments I wasn't alone...

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