Stan - 1

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This is requested by Joelstorm


(Stan Pov - 9 years old)


laughing at the funny faces that Daddy was making not being able to control my giggles as Shelly chuckles beside me, "god Dad you're such a Dork" she said smiling as Daddy wrapped his arms around me and Shelly hugging both of us tightly.

"god how did I get so lucky to have two wonderful children?" he asked kissing my and Shelly's cheek, "super Dad!" I chuckled out making Daddy smirk standing up and lifting me up as he swung me around in circles as I laughed.

our fun soon ended as Mommy came into the room smiling "Honey it's bedtime for the kids" she said kindly strolling over and kissing Shelly's forehead "go bed Sweetheart" she said making Shelly nod rushing upstairs.

frowning not wanting to let go of Daddy just yet, "n-no! h-he just got home" I said upset teary up hugging Daddy tighter. "I'll put him in bed" Dad said kissing my Mom's cheek who sighs but nods "and then we can talk about... 'work'" she said rubbing her stomach making Daddy nod before smiling happily as he carried me upstairs.

"are you and Mommy alright?" I whispered yawning a little as Dad tucked me into bed sitting on the chair beside my bed, "we're fine Stanley, Super Dad and Wonder Mom are just going to talk about that trip for the family" he said making me grin happily "okay I trust you!" I chuckled out feeling the kiss on my forehead.

"sweet dreams" he whispered before darkness took over as I couldn't help but love my family even more... we were like the perfect family in the whole town. 


(Stan Pov - 14 years old)


walking into the living room already hearing Mom shouting at Dad again, "why can't you stop!?" she shouted making me stand there for a second confuse at why they were shouting again.

knowing I shouldn't stay any longer than I should, rushing upstairs hearing my older Sister Shelly in her room blasting her music loudly making me sigh still hearing Mom and Dad downstairs still, "Leave me be woman!" Dad shouted making me go into my room shutting the door and turned on my speakers.

drowning the shouting out slowly as I listened feeling my worries going away slowly, hearing the font door downstairs slam making me sigh going under my bed and grabbing a joint that Kenny had gave me awhile ago, lighting it. letting myself being taken away from this household.

laying down blowing out the smoke knowing I'll never be like my parents, I'll treat my other half with respect and love my children with all my heart...

it was funny that I used to call Mom and Dad heroes... ever since I got older the more I saw the truth, when Dad went to work leaving Mom alone to clean and look after me and Shelly and at night Dad would always come back drunk or smelled really weird and bad...

whatever the smell was Mom didn't like it one bit...


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