Stan x Craig - 5

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Credit for the idea @brooke_schofield 



(Craig Pov)


I don't believe Kyle asked me to go pick up Stan at the pub since he was dealing with Kenny, I didn't complain since I love spending time with Marsh but a bit shock that Kyle couldn't really take Stan home and then go back to Kenny.

I drove to the pub walking into the loud building watching people dancing and drinking and cheering at the football match that was on, rolling my eyes I soon spotted that blue and red puffball by the bar making me smile a little.

my smile didn't last long as I got to Stan who was leaning his head to the table making me put a hand on his back rubbing it gently "Marsh let's go take you home" I mumbled earning Stan to groan drunkenly which was cute to see.

I nodded at the bar man who gave me a small smile since he had gotten used to seeing my face and Kyle's, I slowly wrap one of Stan's arms around me who giggled as we slowly made it past the other drunk people without being knocked over.

"C-Craigggg~" he drunkenly sang making me smile "shush, I'll take you back to yours" I said as we both made it out of the pub and toward my dark blue car helping Stan in who kept giggling at me.

"I w-wannaaa stayyyyy with youuu" he said stretching out all the words as his eye lids were half way closed showing he was drunk and as if on point he hiccuped making me chuckle at him blushing at his words a little.

"why would you want to be with me? wouldn't your Mom be worried about you?" I question earning Stan to pout a little, "I wanna beeee with youuuu tho" he said as I sat down on my spot starting up the car not responding to the drunk Stan.

I slowly driven to Stan's house but after a bit of quiet I shiver stopped at a red light feeling a hand on my knee making me look over at Stan confuse with pink cheeks, "let mee stay at yours~" he whisper leaning closer to me and blowing hot air in my ear making the car seem to get a bit warmer.

he's drunk he doesn't mean all this right?

I thought for a moment knowing I was closer to my house, sighing I gave up and drove toward my house seeing Stan's drunk eyes open up with joy as he got out of the car making me roll my eyes following after.

I gasp as he almost tripped over as I catch him from falling, "god dammit Marsh, I'll take you to bed" I mumbled helping Stan toward my bedroom. I'll just sleep on the sofa tonight since Stan will be in pain tomorrow morning.

as we got to my room I felt myself being pulled making me gasp as I fell backwards on the bed but before I could stand back up Stan go in front of me lifting up one of my legs so he could move closer licking his lips drunkenly.

I stared at him confuse and shock until I clicked that this is wrong! he's fucking drunk and wouldn't do this if he was sober.

"Stan get off me" I stated with a blank face as Stan only lean closer to me kissing my neck as I felt my face heat up, "Marsh, your drunk" I mumbled pushing Stan's chest to get away.

"aw comee on, I reallly likeee you Craig" Stan giggled out nuzzling his face closer to my neck and shoulder. "your still drunk shithead" I responded hearing Stan to giggle more at the name I called him, I gasp as Stan's lips hit mine but I couldn't help but kiss back slowly before pushing him away.

"Dude your drunk" I said as Stan pouted beside me, "Craiggg I really want you..." he said ending up hiccuping at the end. if only he was sober and really likes me I would allow this!

"Stan, we both know your just drunk and everything your saying isn't true" I said rubbing Stan's hair out of his face as he lay down on my bed holding my hand, "let's have sex and I'll show y-you it's true!" Stan stated almost saying the whole thing without hiccuping.

I blushed bright red shaking my head, "we're aint even dating" I responded earning Stan to groan annoyed pulling my hand toward him as he hugged it making me lay beside him.

"would youuuu go out with meee?~" Stan drunkenly said giving me a little cheeky smile, "sure when your sober tomorrow we can" I said wanting to make this Stan shut up for a bit.

even though it's cute seeing him like this, so clingy.

I felt Stan cuddle closer to me making me smile a little, "can we fuck noww?" Stan mumbled under his breathe making me roll my eyes as I felt his hands go toward my pants. "no" I responded as Stan only pouted at me.

"nooo funnn" he pouted out making me turn him around so he's hands isn't anywhere near me as I cuddle him, "just sleep Marsh, we'll talk about this tomorrow" I stated removing Stan's hat and mine putting it on the table beside me.

he only groaned as he let sleep take over as I played with his hair a little.

god drunk people really do say random things when they don't mean it...


The Next Morning


I open my eyes to hear groaning sitting up to see Stan beside me rubbing his head in pain, "f-fuck my head..." he mumbled looking over to me as he blushed "C-Craig shit how bad was I this time..." he mumbled in shame.

I could only chuckle remembering last night, "you wasn't that bad but you kept saying bullshit" I responded earning Stan to look down a little. "what did I say?" he whisper making me think, "well, you started flirting with me a little, saying you wanted to be with me and... even asked for sex" I said being honest seeing Stan's eyes go wide as he's face had turned bright red.

"don't worry I know you didn't mean it" I said not wanting him to feel weird around me even though I like him more than a friend, god I wish drunk Stan was the real Stan.

Stan didn't say anything but fiddle with his fingers.

"s-so you don't like me?" he whisper making me confuse "what you mean?" I asked earning Stan to shake his head groaning a little while doing so, "Marsh I do like you, and I understand you were drunk" I stated not understanding why Stan is sounding sad.

"Tucker.. what if I meant it?" Stan mumbled making my heart stop for a second hearing him say that, he meant it? wait does he like me!?

without thinking I kissed his lips pushing him back down to the bed feeling him shake a little before wrapping his arms around my shoulders as we pulled away, he's lips were soft but sadly that smell of alcohol was still in his mouth.

"I'll date you now if your sober" I said earning Stan to blush more nodding, "I would like that.." he whisper making me smile as we went back to kissing.

as we pulled away again Stan only giggle making me stare at him confuse as he lean close to my ear, "can we have sex now~" he whisper making me blush standing up and flipping him off while leaving him on my bed alone.

"Babe! I was joking!... kinda!" Stan shouted making me chuckle, god I love that nerd.

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