Token x Clyde - 5

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(Token Pov)


I chuckle watching Clyde shove his taco in his mouth which was so cute as Craig only flipped Clyde off, "your going to choke on that" he mumbled as Tweek was shaking a little as he heard Craig.

"he isn't going to c-choke!" Tweek stuttered out making me stare at Clyde who kept a grin on his face, "oh I bet you would love to see me choke~" Clyde flirted earning Craig to blush a little looking away.

I slowly bite the inside of my cheek annoyed that Craig would always blush at Clyde or whenever Clyde flirted with him, I understand that me and Clyde ain't dating but it still annoys me... whenever he flirts with someone else...

I know it's just how he is and how he acts with that big heart of his but... I wonder if he really does love someone... and mean all those flirts... I kinda hope it's me.

sighing I was brought back to the real world as Clyde learn over to Craig smirking, "how about I call you Daddy and you feed me?~" Clyde flirted earning Craig to choke on air before flipping Clyde off who chuckled.

I made a fist under the table keeping that fake smile that I use whenever this kind of shit happen but I only hope that maybe... Clyde would just wake up and pick me.

"Clyde I swear to god if you don't swipe that smug smile off your face I'll punch it off" Craig muttered out glaring over at Clyde who only wink backing up with his hands up in the sky.

"fine, fine don't need to be hard to get~" he said making Craig groan as I bit harder on my cheek knowing it's bleeding now.

"Well I wouldn't mind if you called me Daddy and feed you~" Kenny said smirking making us turn to face him, I could never get a break.

Clyde only smirked and leaned over to Kenny who had took the spot next to Clyde and wrapping his pervert arm around my Clyde...

To this Clyde only chuckle and smirked at Kenny and whisper something in his ear, moments later they both stood up and left walking past Kyle and Stan who both looked disturbed when they came over.

"What's wrong shit heads?" Craig mumbled noticing their face expression, "o-oh we just over heard Kenny and Clyde.." Kyle mumbled blushing slowly.

I felt my heart ache as the thoughts slowly came into my head, their ain't making out right?.. no Clyde isn't like that.

But my thoughts soon ended as Stan mumbled something under his breath, "just.. don't go to the bathroom guys, you don't want to see what their doing" Stan warned that told me everything that I needed to know...

My smile was soon gone and I couldn't help but stand up and leave, I ran home that day and didn't come in for the rest of the week...

As Monday came by again I was found in the hallway seeing Kenny holding Clyde's hand.

I didn't have anymore tears since my eyes are dried up from crying so much, "their like the most cutest and hottest couple!" Heidi giggled out to Red who nodded giggling as well.

I just stared feeling numb gripping my long sleeve shirt, why couldn't Clyde pick me? What did Kenny have that I don't?

They both walked by not even noticing me as I sigh making my way to the restroom, I wasn't feeling it.

Clyde was literally my only happiness, my parents are always working they never gave me time. Money didn't make me happy so I don't dare use it unless it was for a friend, and no one have asked how I am or checked on me that whole week...

Now Clyde.. my only happiness is gone.

I stared at myself in the mirror hating the person I saw, why couldn't I look like Kenny, he was the most attractive boy in school, he could get anyone to fall in love with him.

I couldn't stop myself as I dug deep into my bag pulling out different pill bottles seeing I had my sleep tablets and my depression tablets and most of all... the red pills that someone gave me from one of those parties...

I soon pulled out my water bottle and walked into one of the stall locking it behind me and down on the floor, I stared hard and long at the pills thinking about my life.

I had nothing left, no one would care and most of all... I would be in peace.


(Clyde Pov)


I couldn't help but notice Token haven't came into class this whole morning!

I swear I saw him in today, he was gone last week and I tried checking on him but Kenny said that I shouldn't be so clingy.

I was kinda glad that Kenny agreed to help me get Token jealous but I don't think it was working, Token seems like he just didn't care.

Lunch soon came and me and Kenny walked down the hall but stopped as Butters ran out of the restroom worried, "h-help! I think someone got stuck in the stall and I t-think they passed out!" He shouted making me and Kenny look at each other before rushing over and into the room as Butters ran to get a teacher.

Kenny broke the door down as my eyes widen seeing Token on the floor, I got on my knee tearing up. "T-Token!? Token!" I shouted shaking him hoping he'll wake up or something!

He didn't even make a noise as I cried, "s-shit!" Kenny hissed out getting on the floor with me and checked his breathing as I cried.

My eyes slowly looked at the floor seeing bottles that seemed to be from pills.. there was two bottles.

I soon spot his bag that was open spotting paper that had writing on...

Dear Clyde
I'm sorry for not telling you sooner, sorry that I couldn't be the one that made you happy like Kenny can. I should of known that me and you would of been a dream, I've always been a dreamer heh... I just couldn't stand it anymore, I'm sick of my life and you were the only one that made me want to wake up. Don't feel guilty Clyde, don't cry over me, you have Kenny and everyone around you, they'll protect you... Maybe In out next after life we could be together? But... that's only a dream... I'll miss seeing your smile, your laugh and just everything about you. I know you might not even have feelings for me but before I leave this world I want my last words to be... I love you Clyde.
~Token Black

Token... he loved me back... I couldn't help but cry harder as I kept rereading the letter gripping onto it as I heard the teacher and butter run back in and I was pulled away from token and into kenny's chest crying badly.

"T-Token! Token! Token!" I cried out shaking badly as I felt Kenny hug me tightly shushing me to calm me down but it wasn't working.

I wanted my Token back...

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