Kenny x Damien - 1

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(Kenny Pov)


I rolled my eyes as Cartman and Kyle were shouting at each other as Stan and I just stood there bored, "Jew you know I'm right" Cartman hissed out  earning Kyle to glare at him. "Your never right Fatass!" he hissed out crossing his arms to his chest.

"guys why don't we just drop it?" Stan mumbled getting sick of the two shouting at each other, I nodded agreeing with Stan as the two didn't listen to us.

my eyes soon widen as Cartman turn his head to check if any cars were coming smirking seeing they were on the way as he grabbed hold of Kyle pushing him to the road, "Kyle!" Stan hissed out.

without thinking I jumped into the road using my body to protect Kyle as I was soon felt with so much pain as everything went dark around me, I couldn't feel much as I felt like I couldn't breathe.

as a moment later I felt warm around me to see I was standing in fount of a boy with black hair and was also wearing all black, he stared at me for a moment shaking his head.

"Kenny McCormick" he said reading from his list walking toward me, how the fuck does he know my name? where am I?

as he was face to face with me I felt him check me out making me shiver a little, "you saved your friend Kyle Broflovski" he said rolling his eyes as if I didn't do the right thing.

"i-is he ok?" I asked worried not seeing him anywhere, the boy soon chuckled looking into my eyes "he's alive" he said making me confuse until I notice I was the one who died...

"I like you Kenny but you don't belong down here" the boy mumbled turning around while walking away, "what do you mean?" I asked hoping he'll talk more.

he only chuckled "go back to them, you aint finish with your life" he told me as he clapped his hands together as everything went dark.


Two days later


we kept walking into the woods making Stan groan, "why did I listen to you guys?" Stan hissed out glaring at Cartman mainly who shook his shoulders. "I need to prove the Jew wrong!" he responded earning Kyle to mumble under his breathe.

we soon got lost and I sat on the rock as Stan and Cartman start shouting at each other.

"Hippie shut up, I know where we're going!" Cartman hissed out as Kyle only rolled his eyes sitting on the flour, "Fatass you got us lost and now we're going to fucking die!" Stan shouted shoving Cartman.

it gotten to the point of me not really caring what they were doing looking around the woods, my eyes soon spot two pairs of red eyes followed after with a low growling sound.

"s-shit" I mumbled as the others didn't notice yet, I didn't take my eyes off the thing that seemed to be moving closer seeing that it was a wolf and dam it looks hungry...

without thinking I pulled Kyle's sleeve to warn him earning him to mumble under his breathe annoyed looking over but stared in horror, "w-what should we do?" Kyle whisper scared as the wolf moved closer making me and Kyle get up and slowly backed up towards Cartman and Stan.

they were still fighting until Kyle and I walked in the middle earning the two to glare before looking to where we were staring as Stan backed up scared, "s-shit" he mumbled as Cartman only gasp and ran for the first time ever.

the wolf seemed angry as Cartman ran making me yell "run!" I stated making us run but Stan soon tripped over making me stop turning around to hear him groan in pain as I heard the wolf running behind us and I could see it coming!

I ran back not pulling Stan up and shoving him to go ahead as Stan only nodded tearing up as he ran but before I could run after I felt the wolf's claws on my back making me yell in pain as I felt the wolf start biting into me as everything slowly turned red...

I soon felt that warm feeling again making me look up to find the same boy who seemed to be sitting in a chair this time, he was sighing while looking at his paper giving me a small smile before rolling his eyes.

  "Kenny McCormick here again?" he said making me nod slowly, "this time you saved your friend Stan Marsh" he stated making me rub the back of my neck.

"I'm warning you this time, next time you die I will not bring you back" the boy said a little annoyed making me pout a little, "w-why do you keep bringing me back then?" I asked earning the boy to smile.

"since you keep saving people, you should be up there... not down here" he stated making me nod slowly. I couldn't help but want to stay and get to know this boy, a thought soon came to my mind as he slowly rise his hands to clap.


The next morning


I looked at the gun sighing, I wasn't sure why but I want to know this boy. he kept bringing me back alive, I just want to know him and if means I have to do this... then it's worth it...

I slowly rise the gun to my head closing my eyes pulling the trigger as everything went dark.

I slowly open my eyes feeling warm seeing the boy staring right into my eyes, "why you did that?" he asked making me grab his hands staring back. "I want to know you" I responded, just after saying that I felt stupid.

I killed myself for this boy?!

he only chuckled making me smile, "so what's your name?" I asked since he already know my name, "Damien" he responded making me grin.

Damien... that's a pretty hot name...

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