(Part 2) Kenny x Stan - 3

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(Kenny Pov)


I stared down at the ground feeling numb, the weather was gloomy and I couldn't help but cry in public.


How did this even happen?... to think a week ago we were all together at Stan's and Cartman talking shit about my parents, I kept my head low not wanting anyone see me like this.

I couldn't focus on anything but at the grave in front of me...

Rest In Peace
Stanley Marsh
2002 - 2019
We hope to see him again.

How?... I went on my knees in front of the grave sobbing, I still remember how that day happen and how weird Kyle and Cartman were...


(One week ago)


Gasping as a bright light came out of no where making me close my eyes as I felt my body freeze not being able to move until I felt the ground under my hands panting heavily.

"W-what the fuck was that!?" I gasped out gripping my side panting looking around to see I was at the pond?

I slowly stood up seeing that the rain stopped before noticing my hood had fallen off me before placing it over my head again.

I should... probably go back to Kyle and Stan, whatever just happen I got to tell them.

I slowly made my way back to Stan's before feeling a hand grab my shoulder "k-Kenny don't run away like that from me!" Kyle cried out making my eyes go wide pulling Kyle into a hug.

"Dude why are you crying!?" I questioned confuse as Kyle only cried harder before looking up at my face as if he's studying my face.

"Y-you know why you idiot, you can't deal with this alone you know" he whispered upset as I stared down at him.

I shook my head as no "if it's Cartman talking shit you have no reason to cry" I stated as Kyle pulled away from our hug, "are you really going to deny it kenny!? Don't pretend that Stan didn't die!" Kyle shouted making my body freeze at the words.


I grip his shoulders not liking this prank anymore "what the fuck do you mean died!?" I shouted warning Kyle to stare at me, his eyes were bloodshot signing he was crying for real.

"That isn't true, Stan was literally with us a hour ago" I stated remembering how we were just chilling, "Kenny... what's wrong with you? Out of everyone how can you just forget?... you were literally there when that fucker shot him!" Kyle shouted shaking a little.

I felt myself tear up holding them back, that... isn't true...


(Back to now)


"P-please come back" I whispered hoping my best friend will come back, since that day everything was weird.

Everyone was shocked I was at school, none of the girls cared that I was there, Bebe didn't even hate me. Instead I got so many hugs and people saying sorry about what happen but no one would tell me what really happen to Stanley...

I soon hear footsteps come closer making me look up to see Damien, he stared at me before sighing "I'm sorry for swapping you to this life" he mumbled making me stare at him confuse.

"W-what the fuck are you on about?" I questioned earning Damien to walk over beside me, "your universe had Stan alive, I had to swap you over with this Kenny from this universe" he stated making me angry.

"Bring me back you dickhead!" I shouted standing up and gripping his shirt, "I didn't agree to giving up my life!" I shouted as Damien only stare at me.

"I'm sorry but I can not undo what I have done, the Kenny from this universe has made a deal with me" Damien explained making my heart break.

I didn't want to be in this universe where my best friend died...

"What deal?" I mumbled not letting go of him, Damien sigh before opening his mouth again.

"He would give up his power to see his love again, so I accepted. Your universe was alike the only difference was... you didn't love Stanley, and Kenny has a second chance to save his love" Damien stated making me stare at him in shock.


(To the other universe)


I bit my bottom lip knowing this was the day when it all started... Damien made sure to send me week before the shooter...

Stan walks over to me with Kyle making me wave at the two, it was weird but I got the hand of this world.

It was true that I was heartbroken but there was no way I was letting Stan die again... I'll do the right thing this time...

(Sorry to if this plot is confusing the next chapter should be the last one >~<)

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