Stan x Cartman - 1

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(Stan Pov)


rolling my eyes at Kenny who kept touching Kyle's ass who kept screaming at him, "Kenny I swear to god I'll kill you!" Kyle shouted as I chuckled watching the two fight.

Kenny was soon on the floor under Kyle who was about to throw a punch as I stopped him with a smile, "dude I think he get the point" I said wanting to save Kenny's face from getting ruined by Kyle's fists.

"fine..." Kyle huffed out getting off Kenny who smiled at me getting off the floor and before I knew it I let out a small yelp from shock feeling Kenny's hand on my ass!

"K-Ken!" I shuttered out blushing bright red as Kenny only grinned at me, "didn't want to leave you feeling lonely~" he flirted as I slapped his arm blushing darker. "god you guys are so gay" Kyle mumbled earning Kenny to chuckle squeezing my ass again.

"hey guys s-.." Cartman stopped walking looking at me and Kenny his eyes were like daggers at Kenny's hand, Kenny soon let go waving at Cartman "hey dude!" he said as if he didn't just touch mine and Kyle's asses!

Cartman's shocked face went away as the look turned into disgust.

"you guys are so fucking gay" he said annoyed crossing his arms as Kyle nodded staring at me and Kenny, "H-Hey! I'm not gay!" I said as Kenny laughed. "oh really?~ remember last weekend?" Kenny teased as I glared at him.

he wouldn't drop the whole thing about me being drunk and I couldn't help but thought Kenny was a hot girl at the time! he was in a dress at the time and me being drunk didn't clicked!

"what happen on the weekend?" Kyle asked confuse as I glared at Kenny harder, "nothing happen!" I said fast as Kenny burst out laughing. "oh nothing eh? you couldn't help but put your hands on me and even left hickeys on my neck~" Kenny said smirking as I felt my blush darker.

"you... did that?" Cartman mumbled glaring over at me with anger, why the fuck is he angry at me?!

"I thought Kenny was some hot girl!" I shouted flipping Kenny off who was laughing badly, before I knew it I felt a hard tug from the back of my jacket making me almost fall over looking behind me to see Cartman was dragging my ass away from our Kyle and Kenny who was looking confuse rushing after.

"Fatass leave Stan alone!" Kyle shouted earning Cartman to flip him off with his other hand as I tried to get his hand off my jacket. "D-Dude get off me!" I hissed out and as if command I found myself being thrown to the floor making me let out a small groan of pain looking up at Cartman seeing him glaring down at me.

"Cartman what the fuck dude?!" Kenny hissed out rushing to my side helping me up, "whatever!!" Cartman shouted rushing off as Kenny rubbed my back as Kyle rolled his eyes.

"you ok dude?" Kyle mumbled making me nod slowly, "yah... what the fuck is wrong with Cartman anyways?" I mumbled earning my two friends to shake their shoulders not knowing as well.

sighing we all ended up walking back home alone but I couldn't help but felt as I was being followed...

I kept looking behind me each time I heard a weird noise but ending up blaming the wind, as soon as my hand touched the door knob I rushed in closing the door and locking it letting out a shaky sigh.

I turned the lights on seeing that Mom and Dad must of went out and even Shelly was gone for the night...


I rolled my eyes making my way to the kitchen before stopping hearing a weird noise outside making me go pale a little, it's only the wind right?

I grabbed a soda can before walking upstairs to my bedroom closing my door not wanting to be downstairs anymore, drinking it while logging onto my laptop.

after a bit I felt better forgetting my worries and enjoying my game that I was winning.

but the calm feeling was soon gone as I turned around to grab my can but notice that my door was now open... "what the?" I mumbled confuse.

I swear I closed that door...

I logged off my laptop walking to my door peeking out not seeing anything new before closing it again but soon froze as I heard a creepy chuckle making me have goosebumps slowly turning around seeing that my laptop was now not on my bed anymore.

"f-fuck this" I hissed out scared opening my door and rushing downstairs seeing the light was off now making me miss a step on the stairs hitting the floor as I whimpered in pain, "S-Shelly is that you?..." I whisper hoping it was just a prank my older sister was making...

the same chuckle was heard again before I felt two hands grab my shoulders making me let out a scream as a hand over my mouth, "oh Stanley you really made me angry today~" a voice said making me panic more.

it was a boy and he was stronger! who the fuck is this!?

I kept moving under him letting out a small cry as I felt a hard slap on my cheek making me shut up not being able to see who this was, I felt them gently rub their thump on the red cheek clearing my tears away slowly.

"your mine Marsh... Don't ever think about touching Kenny again or ANYONE!" he shouted before I felt a pair of lips on mine making me cry harder before a sharp pain shot through my neck making everything go numb and dark...

as my eyes slowly closed the person's face pulled away from my lips letting me see a bit of them... and as if... the person I saw was no other than Cartman...

before I could speak everything went dark...

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