Kenny x Eric - 3

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(Requested by @Stupid_Chick_33 which is a fluff)

It was Halloween night as the air was freezing cold to the point you could see mist coming from everyone's breath, but the cold didn't stop the boys in getting ready for the party of their lives.

The dirty blonde stares at himself in the mirror, loving the bright blue and red cape, he felt like a true hero just when he was younger. He felt impressive with himself as his real abs were seen that he couldn't wait to tell the group that he didn't need the fake abs that came with the costume.

Finally putting on the red cape he left the bathroom and headed to Stan's room.

After primary school his parents were sent to prison for abuse and drug charges, it was rather upsetting day for them but Kenny was lucky that Stan's mother took him and his little sister in as her own.

When high school started and shelly moved out and Randy went to live on the farm, Sharon went back to living in South Park with Kenny and Stan with Karen, it was rather a sweet house she made for them.

Back to now tho, the group are at college and it's Halloween now, Kenny grins seeing the raven had dressed up as a pirate, his chest was noticeably which only made Kenny wink "looking hot dude" he chuckles going to lay onto the bed.

"Thanks dude" Stan chuckles as he turned to the blonde to see the superman outfit and chuckles "back at you, but we should go pick up Kyle and Cartman" the raven stated looking at his watch.

Kenny let out a slight groan before the thought of Eric's costume made him excited, now you might be confuse but when Kenny gotten time high school he began to grow feelings for his best friend, Eric was often rude and mean but as time went on he became more softer.

Only when he wanted to be though, but what Kenny found amazing was how Eric kept to his goal and lost all his 'big bone' all through out high school to the point he was thick but was a lot more handsome.

Stan watched as Kenny threw himself up from the bed and already headed downstairs "guess lover boy can't wait" the raven mutters knowing all about the slight crush the blonde had.

The two of them soon heading downstairs and into the car, Kenny waving bye to the princess Karen who worn Kenny's old princess kenny's dress as he chuckles "now you boys be careful, and come back quiet, Karen needs her beauty sleep" Sharon stated as she was taking Karen out for treat or tricking.

Stan nodded and agreed before driving away to pick up their friends, after a short drive they gotten to Kyle's house suspecting just to see the red hair but instead saw a dressed up Joker as Eric which Kenny almost drooled over but beside him was a male version of Harley Quinn as Kyle.

"A-are they dressed like a couple?..." Kenny mumbles just enough for Stan to hear and gulp at the slight hurt in his voice.

"Hey fuckers, took your time" Eric smirked getting into the back beside the Blonde while Kyle sat in the front, "you guys look awesome but I didn't know you were dressing together?" Stan says trying to see if he could get the info kenny wanted to hear.

Eric laughs slightly "yah me and The Jew wanted to do this a while, so he's my little slut slave" he stated with a smirk which the red hair turn around and glare, "call me that again and I'll cut that tiny dick off." He threaten.

This was enough for Kenny to get a picture in his head at what was happening, he fell quiet and stares outside the window already hurt and annoyed and jealous that Eric chose the red hair to dress with.

As the three spoke Stan already felt bad for his step brother and sighs, getting to the party and all splitting up to do their own fun, Kenny found himself beside Craig Tucker who dressed just like a demon which normally Kenny would be flirting to annoy the fuck out of the raven but instead, the two stood and drank their beer and spoke normally.

"I just gave up looking for my boyfriend now, he's probably doing stupid games as he always does" Craig stares sighing knowing his goofball of a boyfriend, the blonde only nodded spotting Eric on the other side of the room with Kyle whispering in his ear making him go red and laugh.

Kenny let out a slight growl getting more pissed knowing he was a bit drunk but it helped him not hold it in, Craig notice and looks over rolling his eyes before smirking "here finish my drink and go talk to them, or rather him." He smirked passing his full cup to the blonde who accepted.

Necking it down as he nods and strolled towards the two as Eric smiles "hey Kenn-" his eyes widen as Kenny shoved him against the wall in front of Kyle who widen his eyes, "do you enjoy teasing me or something!?" He snapped looking over at Kyle who was about to speak to only be told "fuck off Kyle! This is a talk between me and Eric!" He snapped.

Eric watched Kyle rush off to find Stan, thinking he was about to get his head ripped off by superman before noticing tears running down kenny's cheeks "why him?... I-I've always been there for you... w-what does he have that I don't!?" He snapped again glaring up at Eric who stared down feeling bad.

"Kenny... I didn't know you felt like this" he mumbles feeling kenny release from his shirt as he wipes his tears.

"W-well I like you... fuck I liked so long" he mumbles upset feeling as he was about to throw up until a set of strong arms went around him keeping him close.

"...I like you to kenny... but I was sure you would have been batman and Kyle told me to dress like the joker" he mumbles before kissing kenny's forehead, the blonde felt confuse but held tightly, "let's enjoy our night ken, then when tomorrow comes, we can sober up and confess again" Eric whispers.

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