(Part 2) Stan x Craig - 3

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!This will contain a bit of Smut!   


(Stan Pov)


I slowly open my eyes seeing I was laying in bed, what happen?... 

my throat hurts so much but I wasn't sure why, I thought about last night remembering Craig came over... h-he tried to fucking kill me!

my eyes soon spot the window seeing it's morning making me sigh, maybe it was just a bad dream?

I stood up walking to the bathroom seeing my neck was bruised making my eyes go big, it wasn't a dream... Craig Tucker really did try to kill me... he said he liked me yet tried to kill me!?

"Stan your going to be late for school!" Mom shouted making me go paler, school!? with Craig who almost killed me?!

my thoughts soon stopped, why didn't he finish me off?... 

I slowly got dressed walking downstairs seeing Mom waving me off not caring about the big ass bruise around my neck, as I walked I soon spot Clyde and Kyle laughing ahead making me run over to them.

"oh hey Stan!" Clyde said smiling but his smile soon was gone as he stared at my neck, "fuck what happen to you?" Kyle asked worried grabbing my head with both of his hands tipping my head up to see my neck better.

"t-the killer tried to get me" I mumbled unsure to tell them it was Craig...

"the murderer was at yours the other day!?" Clyde and Kyle shouted making me shush them but felt strong arms go around me making me stand still as I stared at Kyle and Clyde. "hey Craig!" Clyde said with joy making me shake a tiny bit...

Craig was holding me...

"wow you guys are close" Kyle mumbled staring at us, I wasn't sure but I felt my cheek turn pink hearing those words but I knew it wasn't right! he fucking tried to kill me!

"oh you guys didn't know?" Craig mumbled his voice was full of boredom as always "know what?" Token asked walking over to us, "this..." Craig said I soon felt his fingers under my chin bring me into a kiss with him with my eyes wide seeing his eyes were closed before pulling back staring at the guys.

"y-you guys are dating!?" Kyle hissed out shocked, I wanted to scream no but... a tiny bit of myself wanted to say yes... while the other side was too scared to say no since Craig could kill me...

"yup" Craig responded to Kyle keeping a tight hold of me before dragging me away from everyone leaving them confuse, "C-Craig?..." I whisper scared but got no reply as Craig leaded me to the back of the school making me scare at him worried.

"p-please talk to me..." I whisper tearing up unsure what Craig was thinking or planning...

"you got lucky Marsh" he mumbled pushing me to the wall pinning down my hands beside my head, "p-please don't!" I begged not wanting to die or get hurt.

Craig stood there for a moment staring into my eyes that shown fear before I knew it I felt his lips back on mine, I didn't want to kiss back but felt a tiny bit calmer feeling his lips on me...

I slowly kissed back feeling Craig slowly let go of my hands wrapping one around me bring me closer to him, his lips were soon removed from mine "your parents shown up before I could finish up... you have to show me that your wroth living than dead" Craig stated before I could react I yelped in pain feeling blood drip down the side of my neck...

my eyes soon saw the sharp knife in Craig's other hand as he only stared at me with a blank face, show him I'm wroth living!?

"C-Craig you don't wa-" before I could finish I felt Craig stab my chest making me sob out in pain, I felt his mouth on my neck sucking and biting it everywhere making me moan in pleasure and pain.

another slash across the chest from the knife making me sob out more cutting off the pain as the pain was taking over more, he kept biting harder leaving bite marks all over my neck and shoulder.

I placed my hand behind his neck wanting him to stay beside my neck wanting to keep my thoughts on the pleasure than the pain, "show me" Craig hissed out moving the knife to my neck slowly making me widen my eyes from fear.

"I love you!" I shouted hoping maybe that could change this all?

Craig did stop for a second moving the knife back down to my chest cutting it a tiny bit carving his name in my chest as I took the pain biting my lip in pain, "that's all I wanted" Craig whisper kissing my neck upwards to my cheek making me sigh happily that he isn't going to kill me...

but what the fuck did I just sign up for?!

Craig pulled away from me licking up my chest making me blush a tiny bit, why am I blushing!? he tried to kill me again!? y-yet... I found it less bad than before... 

he soon pulled out another shirt from his bag passing me it "put it on and give me your bloody shirt" he commanded with a blank face, I slowly nodded biting my lip again in pain as I lift my arms up taking the blood stained shirt off and putting one of Craig's shirts on.

he soon pulled me into a hug making me stand there with my arms around him unsure what to do, "your mine... if you try and tell anyone about me I'll kill you..." Craig whisper nibbling my ear before taking my hand and leading us into school...

god... my future isn't going to be an easy one...

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