(Part 1) Kenny x Stan - 2

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(Stan Pov)


"Have you notice that Kenny been acting weird?" I mumbled looking over to Kyle who stopped the game to stare at me, "so you notice it as well?" He muttered out making me nod.

I felt relief that Kyle noticed this as well and I wasn't going crazy, "yah he's been really touchy and clingy to me" I said rubbing the back of my neck nervous.

Kyle nodded with a confuse face "do you think he's into you?" Kyle questioned making me stare at him shock, "dude! This is Kenny we're talking about!" I stated knowing our Kenny would never go with a guy!

Kenny is the type of guy who would always talk and look at girls, he has never shown any signs of liking men.

"I know but... it's been a whole week and Kenny been really... really close to you, he even stopped wearing his hood up dude" Kyle stated shaking his head.

"It's as if he's a different person" he chuckled out making me roll my eyes, I thought more about the first day when Kenny started acting strange...


(One week ago)


I grip my coat looking for that idiot, "Kenny!?" Kyle called out gripping his green hat as the rain kept pouring down on us.

"I swear I'm going to kill Cartman for bringing up Kenny's parents!" I hissed out angry, I didn't want one of my friends to get hurt.

Kyle soon stopped turning to me "l-let's split up" he mumbled shivering a little making me nod agreeing to his idea, I walked to the pond while Kyle went to the park.

The cold air was freezing that I could see my own breath of smoke rushing to the pond "K-Ken!?" I called out shivering badly.

I kept looking everywhere that my feet started feeling numb, I soon hear a low groan making me stop walking looking over to a bush where the groan came from.

"K-Kenny?" I whispered walking over almost tripping going through the bush seeing Kenny on the floor in different clothes, he's hair was a mess and he had tear stained cheeks of that could of been the rain...

"Thank god I found you" I muttered out rushing over to him and throwing my coat on him not caring if I was cold since Kenny didn't even have his coat that he normally wears.

"S-Stan?" He whisper looking over to me with wide eyes before wrapping his arms around me, "o-oh my god!" He started crying on my chest making my body freeze at the broken down blonde in my arms.

I've never seen Kenny like this before...

"Kenny?" I whispered worried rubbing his back as he tighter his grip, "I-I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" He repeated sobbing louder making me confuse.

Was he sorry for leaving the house? I wouldn't blame him for leaving after Fatass spoke about kenny's parents and his shit life.

"Don't be sorry, it's ok" I whisper not letting go, I could hear him mumble in my chest but couldn't make out the words.

I helped Kenny up from the floor as he stared at me, I shivered a little again as a big wind hit us hard as Kenny wrapped an arm around me bringing me close.

"W-where's your coat?" I mumbled confuse seeing Kenny bite his bottom lip, "lost it" he muttered out making me nod slowly.

We ended up going back to mine as I texted Kyle that I got Kenny back here safe, peeking over I couldn't help but see Kenny staring at me with his mouth open as if he's dreaming.

"Dude you alright?" I questioned placing my phone down and grabbed two towels and throwing one at him.

Kenny grabbed it drying his bright blonde hair as his cheeks turn bright red, he's probably sick from being out in the cold...

He soon removed my coat as I finished my own hair, "Kyle's on his way back, I'm sorry about what Cartman said" I said upset that me and Kyle didn't say a word as Kenny took in each word that Cartman said to him.

"Cartman? What did he say?" Kenny question confuse making me stare at him confuse, "you know... about your parents" I mumbled not understanding why Kenny even ask that question.

Kenny only nodded not saying another word, "so... guess that's the same" he mumbled making me confuse.

"Hey ba-Stan?" He questioned making me stare at him wondering what he was about to call me before noticing him frowning again "what.. am I to you?" He whispered making my heart ache at the way his voice was.

"What do you mean Ken? We're like best friends, childhood friends" I stated confuse patting his back gently as Kenny sigh muttering under his mouth.


(Back to now)


"Thinking about it... he has been acting as if he was someone else" I mumbled remembering how he broke down.

I never did find out why he was at the pond or why he was so sorry towards me, it makes me sad to be honest.

My and Kyle's eyes soon widen hearing the door knock making me stand up and walk over opening to see Kenny standing there with his messy blonde hair.

"Hey cutie, where's Kyle?" Kenny said with a smile walking in making me blush at the stupid nickname, that was another thing Kenny started doing to me and only me.

He would call me any name he wanted and would always tease me, it's getting a little weird to be honest.

I just... don't understand what Kenny is thinking, where's the Kenny I know?

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