4) My Past, Abhay

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# Guy's maybe you all read this chappies but for me I've to write all again plus with different so I want little time. Sorry.

Chapter - 4 (My past, Abhay )

'Chatttaaakkk' a slap sound echoing in the room.

Panchi : Why the hell you didn't say that Abhay is planning something.

Another person in teary eyes holding own cheeks : I don't have any idea. Abhay didn't say anything to me. I'm sorry.

Panchi : you're just a useless piece of shit. Only because you didn't tell us Abhay's plan got success and he got Piya. You know (looking at the person in so much rage) for your this mistake what can I do.

Another person Joining hands : please don't do this, I promise next time I'll not repeat any mistakes. Please.

Jeh entered the room : you get lost from here. NOW (shout)

The person left from there running.

Jeh looking back at panchi.

"Where the hell is Piya huh? Your men's still can't her. This all because of you" Jeh shouted.

Panchi in same anger : shut the f*ck up. Don't ever raise you voice at me. And it's all your fault. If you not made Piya sign the contract this all never happens and till now we will be in owner of 200crores.

Jeh laugh bitterly : don't forget for that Piya have to be pregnant.

Panchi Looks away.

Panchi : you are good for nothing. In this 3 months you can't make her ready for intimate with you..huhh what I'm saying? When you can't this in 1 year so 3 months is nothing. And besides did you have thought if Abhay take her and all truths find out what will happen to us??

Jeh : Piya will never do this, and now what Abhay did after that never.

Panchi : don't forget your Piya is in guilt.

Jeh : stop thinking all this. And I'm sure that never happened. I saw Abhay's Anger when he saw Piya to kill  his siblings Siddharth and Misha so don't you think there's no chance that Abhay and Piya could ever be one.

Panchi : maybe you're right but I'm not gonna take chances...I said to that useless creature to give me all information's next time so I don't think now there will be any mistakes. And I'll make sure that Abhay's hatred towards Piya only increase in every steps.

Another side,

Piya is looking all the way but all trees are same and in this dark her heart beat increase more & more. Fear of darkness... Nyctophobia.

She's feeling suffocated but what can she do. She didn't have any options. But then suddenly she hear a animal sounds. She gets more scared. Did this in her future die as a food of animal?? No she is strong and she have to fight.

But then again...'hey you' Piya looks the man in front of her ..she again get catch.

Piya start running and running but then she bumped into a wall...not it's a person.

"Please help-" her voice stop seeing the person.

Piya's POV

The same eyes..same smell, no this can't be happen. Why he's here?

Why he have to back?? Please someone tell me that I'm dreaming. No this can't be happen.

(Then a back she saw those men's. It's like a do or die situation now for her.)

"Hurting you can be only my right" the same voice.  Abhay. The same whom I'm running, my past and now here he's standing in front of me.

Still his voice made me shivering. I don't know where I lost but I saw him fighting with those 4 men's. No I'm not dreaming. He's here Abhay is here.

My past , Abhay. But why??how??

In the fear of darkness...fear of killed by those men's and fear of Abhay... he'll kill me. But he's saving me from them... only now two men's are left another two already unconscious.

I'm feeling so much suffocating..I can't breathe. What's happening to me?? He made all 4 unconscious then looking at me.

The blue eyes filled with worry???...no my illusion. Now it's clear filled with hared. Maybe I'm imagining something wrong for some seconds. But he's coming near me and I don't know I'm going back. My visions are not clear.... I'm feeling lack of oxygen. I-...then everything black out.

I feel someone throw water on me.

Ahhh...I blink my eyes to see and then I get up and looking at the same blue eyes....then his smirk..not a good one.

"Oh princess finally get up?" I look at him then my everywhere. I'm lied on main road. Finally out of jungle then look at him and his back a car and two bodyguards...I guess it's his.

Piya : where I'm?? How I come here?

Abhay smirk : look at him (he pointed a bodyguard) he take you and throw you here. Don't think I take you and besides where you are?? Find by yourself.

Abhay left saying it...he left me here. What the?? He just sit in car and I saw the car leaving and turning left.

I look the road...okay now I'm out of jungle so let's find out way. I get up and start walking but then I heard police sirens. I show my hands and police jeep stop.

"Miss Piya?" I nods and get in the car. I learned that they're searching me because Jeh complain about my missing. I tell them about 4 men's who tried to kill me and they're instructed by someone. I just feel relaxed when the car stop in front of Khurana House.

I entered and startle little because of the hug...oh Priya my bestie.

Then Jeh hug me. All made me sit and Priya bring the juice.

Jeh and police talk for sometime then I left in my room. I just said a man help me. I don't want Jeh to be worry about Abhay is back. But I don't understand who wants to kill me and why?? Did this all plan by Abhay?? Yeah he can because I'm his culprit. Maybe be that's why he went there in time but if he wants to kill me then why he save me??

I'm lost in my thoughts when I feel suddenly Jeh sitting beside me. He hug me tightly, I feel little uncomfortable because we're in bed and in this...I know Jeh is gonna be my husband and if this kidnapping drama not be held so today we will be husband and wife but still I didn't feel anything except uncomfortable.

Jeh : Piya you know I'm so worried for you I miss you.

Okay fine he's worried but wait... what he's doing?? He cups my face then kiss my forehead and then leaning to my lips...no i-i can't now.

I look away, Jeh left. I feel hurt but don't know why?? He just left because I didn't allow to kiss but I don't know why I can't be available to kiss him.. it's all my fault. I hurt Jeh again, the person who never left my side maybe I hurt him.

I sigh and lied down looking at the ceilings...my thoughts is full of Abhay. I just hope his back will not destroy my new life. Please God.

Precap :-

Piya : no this can't be happen. I don't believe you. Jeh tell him it's all wrong please Jeh.

Jeh : I'm sorry Piya.

Abhay laughs : okay so last Union I hope done. Now baby shall we go??

# What you want next...Piya's POV or Abhay's POV??

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