33) Happy Anniversary

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Happy Vai fota🎁

Chapter - 33 (Happy Anniversary)

India, Raichand Mansion, Piyu's Room

"Then the prince and princess live happily ever after.." Abhay close the book and Piyu smile .... it's her habit to hear a story from her father then sleep.

"That's prince is good but you're best. My prince will be also like you" Abhay's smile vanished hear her words.

"Princess...your prince will be best. Not like me(whisper to himself)"

"Yup Papa, you're best" Abhay kiss her forehead and caressing her head. Soon she closed her eyes and fall asleep.

I hope no one ever will come your life like me. I'm not a prince but a beast.

New York, Devil Club,

Piya is wearing a white shorts dress, yes you heard right. now she's a changed girl...the girl who always wear salowar suit now she never touched salowar. She used to wear jeans, shirts, top and if there is any party she wear shorts. Ayesha is standing beside Piya talking to her friends where Piya is looking not any particular place just standing and waiting when will done and she can go back to her room. She's indeed habitual to be in room or in work so being any other place it's making her very boring.

Finally after finishing talk Ayesha looking at her in unbelievable. She just utter a hi when she entered and this full 4 hours standing there alone and silent.

Ayesha : Simran I wonder how can you be so silent all time. You never talk so much just important talk or some answers when anyone question you.

Piya/Simran : my nature. Let's go.

Both comes out waiting for there's car which driver park a little far due to full parking near area is full.

"Hey hotties"  both heard voice and looking back finding three boys are looking at them Lustfully. Ayesha gulp as she's scared always in those matter's.

"Simran we should go now" Ayesha said holding Piya's handa and about to go but those Three boy's come in front of them.

"What so hurry babies" Piya tight her fist as one of the boy about to touch her wrist, she twist the boy's hand and kick in his stomach. Other two boy's come in front of Piya angrily but in two minutes three of them lying in floor.

"Woww... that's called the advantage of being around a police officer" Piya rolled her eyes and then look the car comes.

"If again I saw you...any of you then next time all will you be dead" Piya give a deathly glare all.

"Sorry sister" three boy's speck and Piya sit in car with Ayesha and both left.

India, Next Morning,

Sid : Bhai, today's presentation is great.

Abhay : all your helpful effect Sid and you Kabir...I was little busy in Princess's birthday party an all.

Kabir : thanks sir. (Abhay-sid chuckled)

Sid : Abhay bhai, there is this New York Client, we've to go there for signing the deal  and then attend the party.

Abhay : I can't go. You know leaving Piyu here-

Sid : so go with her. It will be a vacation also. Remember Piyu saying about New York, she wants to go. There's still 1 week so think.

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