14) Neil Chatterjee

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Chapter - 14 ( Neil Chatterjee )

Abhay's POV,

I comes Bangalore for some work, I want to free my mind. I've 50 days, Piya will be with my side and I can't be weak more. I didn't take Piya here just caged her...I want her to feel the grief that's I feel when she killed my family.

I look towards my phone which is ringing. my security guards whom I said to follow Piya.

"Hello... yeah.... okay" I want to give her freedom for some days, let's see what she do otherwise she's all time in my room.

POV ends

Piya's POV,

I come to temple today. I want to meet Jeh as Abhay is not here. I want so many answers from her. But I know Abhay's guard will be following me.

I move towards the Shiva temple which is behind...'uuuuuuhhh' I bumped into someone.

"I'm sorry" I mummer.

"Hey it's not your fault. Actually I'm looking at my phone. So don't be sorry when you're not" I smile at the men.

"It's okay" I left. There is really rare person who apologize for there mistakes. I again left towards mansion. I've to do something to meet Jeh, it will be not easy and for this I'll make plan and tomorrow I'll surely meet Jeh.

POV ends

In Raichand Industry, Conference room, evening

Alisha is giving presentation to all members who's present there and Kabir also helping her.

Man : That's great miss....

Alisha : hello, I'm Alisha Sen Gupta.

Man shaking hand : hi I'm Neil Chatterjee.

Alisha : I'm glad that you Like this presentation. It will be merger project of three companies.

Neil : yeah that's great things... Raichand, Maheswari and Chatterjee. I'll come tomorrow directly in construction side, to look everything. Miss Alina will also join.

Alisha : I'll join from Raichand side, Abhay sir is out of town for a week.

Neil : and Mr. Kabir you??

Kabir : yes we both will be there.

Neil : so I'll take leave now.

Neil left. Kabir and Alisha is packing all this when Alisha's phone beeps.

Alisha : Kabir I've some important work, I'll come later.

Kabir : okay sure.

Another side in mansion between jungle.

Panchi : how could you say Misha is alive huhh? We kill her in our hands. We burn her.

Jeh : how mean?? Can't you see the 4 already get killed. It's not any accident. And who can be do if it's not Misha?

A man : maybe Some well-wishers of her.

Jeh : just shut up DANISH. There's no one who knows what actually happened that night only 11 person Knows that. 4 are dead who also with us now and we 3 are we.

Danish : and another 4??

Panchi : Piya didn't remember anything and Misha is dead.

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