16) Priya is Panchi

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Chapter - 16 (Priya is Panchi )

Abhay's POV

When I'm in Bangalore I received a call from my guards telling me Piya is Missing. I knew it. She's finding a chance to again run towards Jeh. Fucking Hell. I'll not leave her.

I find out she comes home late and I know why because I received some pictures which send by a private number and I know the sender is Jeh. The picture is Jeh over Piya kissing each other madly. Fucking Hell. I can't even describe how much angry I'm now. I warned her not to meet Jeh but still she went.

"So happy now meeting your lover... fucking him once again" why she's showing her fake tearful look. Such a great actress.

"Abhay it's not what you're thinking. I meet Jeh just to talk him about something to clear...I finished everything today with him... because I love you. I want to be with you"

If I would be the old Abhay I surely fall this trap....the word 'i love you' I want to hear from her mouth, but today it is just a fat lie I know.

I laughed sarcastically..."you think I'm fool enough to believe you"

Her tears...huhh no Abhay not today don't fall on her trap. Her tears are fake as she's.

"Abhay i-" she runs and come back to a diary and files.

"Abhay see this. I've a disease that's why i-i did crime. Abhay and this is Misha's Diary, she-she lied, I didn't. Just read it"

She's cooking a great story but let's see, I open the diary and Chuckled, it's a new empty diary.

"How could this happen. Abhay trust-"

"Just shut up" I shouted and pushed her. Now she's lieing things on my sister.

"You know." I look towards papers some Asylum...some split disorder, huhh...I called a person and asked to confirm. After some minutes my phone rings.

I put it on loudspeaker.

"No sir, there's no such patience is that name"

"No this can't be happen" I cut the call and hold her shoulder tightly.

"Don't ever try to lie again and show your 'i love you' to your lover Jeh whom you fuck some times ago and (I open the Gallery showing her those pictures) it says what you both did. And I warned you last time don't ever say anything against my Misha." I pushed her and left.

She's getting on my nerves. I want calm myself. So drinks will be best for now.

Piya's POV

How it could be happen?? Hospital Diary....all betrayed me. How this can be happen. Did someone changed the diary?? Then what about hospital. Is this Jeh??

I searched the full cupboard mine but there's nothing. Then Abhay's...maybe by mistaken but no there's nothing. After reading diary I didn't open it so when someone changed it I don't know.

But something catch my attention, a picture. It's old maybe Abhay's collage days. But in the picture Abhay is with some friends...but he's holding a girl's waist.

'Priya'....yes it's Priya but what she's doing with Abhay?? She knows Abhay?? How?? Is she is in same College but Abhay studied in London University and Priya hadn't not money she said she complete her graduation from here only.

Is it means??... she's the girl?? Misha said me once Abhay loves Panchi.

I can see Abhay Happy in the picture looking at Priya...no not priya.

Priya is Panchi.

I sit in bed crying....all used me but why??

I text Priya to meet me tomorrow. I don't care about Abhay's guards, I'll manage it.

Abhay didn't come again me, I went temple again. No one said anything to me.... thanks to Abhay he didn't again lock me as last time he find out I meet Jeh. He stop me from going anywhere.

I comes to temple and went towards washroom. Yes it's the plan. Guards are not gonna come for sure.

There's Priya standing. Seeing me she smiled and hug.

Priya : I miss you so much. How are you? I know what's happening but I didn't know what to do. If I could do anything I'll surely take you out from this mess.

I pushed her away and showing her that picture.

Piya : Who are you?

She smirk. Again a betrayal. I think her my friend, my sister but she's the villain. Only because of her Abhay had so much pain one time...but what she wants from me??

"Poor Piya. So sad. But you're too fool baby sister."

I look at her shock...what is she saying?? Sister???

Piya : so you're Panchi.

Priya aka Panchi : yes Piya I'm panchi. The girl for whom once your Abhay mad behind. But sadly now his choice is so bad. I don't know what is in you. Jeh also mad behind you.

I disgusting that a moment of my life I think her as my friend. Now seeing her evilly smile. She's right I'm really fool. I trust all wrong person. First Jeh then Panchi. I deserve what I'm getting today. How could Abhay can trust a wrong person like me? I'm not worth of love. I'm Made to be Hated only.

Piya : why me?? What are you saying sister?? I don't know you. I never meet you. I only know you 6-7 Months. Why you played with my trust?? I thought you as my best friend.

Panchi : oh Piya you trust people so Easy and that's not good. And about sister!! Yeah that's a great things. We're sisters. Isn't great knowing?? So how's you feeling now little sister bearing so much betrayal?? Didn't Abhay trust you.??

I look at her shocked. That's means she changed all proof. I look at her question fully. She laughed seeing my tears.

"Aww don't cry now just knowing me as your sister. What will happen when you'll know the whole truth??"

Now what?? What Truth is waiting for me??

Precap :-

He loves me so much and in one point I also want him but dad just said me to do acting. I did what he said to me.

Next day Abhay find out about my identity and he feels really broken. Well I didn't mind as now again he lost his little bank balance but then again Abhay start becoming rich. It's true Abhay had really talent.

And soon dad lost everything but the remaining property of 50 crores....

He gives on your name"

I look at panchi shocked. 50 crores are on my name?

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