Summer Begins

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"Camreigh, look out!" Sophia yelled going in for a cannonball in the Kavinsky's pool.

"Sophia, watch it!" Peter yelled as water splashed everywhere almost hitting our phones.

He shook his head in aggravation, as he held me inside of the pool.

"Are you guys gonna swim or make out the whole time?" Sophia asked splashing water at us to get us to stop.

"Hey, Hey" Peter said scolding her to stop, "if I remember right you did the same thing with Kyle yesterday?"

Peter interjected making Sophia roll her eyes and blush "speaking off, yall want to double date tomorrow?" Sophia asked looking directly at me, since I could probably get him to comply.

"Um, actually tomorrow is our anniversary..." Peter interjected kissing my neck.

"Oh, okay then" she said getting out of the pool, "I guess I'm going to go shower and start getting ready" she said wrapping a towel around her.

"Okay are we still on for the mall Thursday?" I asked when she yelled yes and kept walking.


"Finally she's gone" Peter said moving you closer to where the only option you had was to wrap your legs around his waist under the water.

We started kissing heavily and groping one another, until I dawned on me... Peter and I had been together almost a full year now.. just about a month after I would start my junior year of high school we would be celebrating a full year together.

I pulled my lips off of his and ran my hand through his wet curly hair.

"I love you so damn much, it hurts Peter Kavinsky!" You say as he smiles back at you with a blush filled face as his smile widens showing all of his gorgeous teeth.

He moved the hair off of my shoulder and kissed it softly and pulled your upper body against his. "I love you more" he said exhaling when his mother came outside interrupting our sweet moment of bliss.

You could hear her sigh before she said his name as she looked at us two.

"Peter, coach is on the phone" she said drawing his attention to her quickly.

"Oh, okay cool" he said getting out of the pool, and helping me get out before he ran to go get it.

I could hear Mrs. Kavinsky yell at him for being wet on her clean floor. It made me giggle, since his graduation and the unexpected talk of separation was brought up Mr. Kavinsky got an apartment near his sister in Palo Alto so he would be closer to Peter when he started college.

We all knew what a separation really meant... it was basically a trial run before the big D went into full affect.

I felt bad for Sophia mostly, her dad was more laid back and chilled. Her mother on the other hand... strict, very strict and with Peter leaving and their father being gone. I just knew she would be under a unusual amount of pressure to keep up her grades and to well, I guess not fall under the same love spell her brother and I had.

Don't get me wrong I love Mrs. Kavinsky but she needed to loosen her reins some... it might be the reason Mr. K left, she was just to much sometimes.


Peter came back by the pool side smiling after getting off the phone with his new Lacrosse coach from SU.

"Someone must have gotten good news?" I said laying back on the lounge chair soaking in a little bit of sun  before we went in.

When Mrs. Kavinsky came in behind him not long after. "What did the coach want?" She asked, as I felt my eyes roll.

"They want to do a story on me for the SU paper, bragging rights. They said I was the top applicant for the team this year!" He gasped with joy. "That's great honey" Mrs. K said patting his back, "yeah that really is great" I said when he hugged me tightly.

"When?" I asked out of curiosity
"Well Saturday, plus its team picture day so I guess they'll get it all done in one day" he said with a shrug.

"You'll come with me, won't you?" He said with his eyes lowered giving me that begging face.

"Duh!" I said when he kissed me with excitement.

"Plus you can show me around, I mean if my boyfriend is going to be miles away it would be nice to see where" I said with a half smile.

I think it made him happy hearing me say things like that.

"Oh, and your driving!" He said walking into the house, catching me off guard on purpose.

"Okay... WHAT?!!?" I said with suprise I was a terrible driver and I had hardly even driven with my permit and this was a long distance.

He laughed, "hey you are going to get your liscene before I leave! Especially if your going to visit me when I can't come down here" he said with a smartass smirk.

"Ughhh, fine!" I said as he kissed me and we went upstairs to change.

In the midst of me changing, in front of him. I still found myself shy at times trying to cover up myself and he thought it was cute everytime.

"Quit acting so shy, it's nothing i haven't seen before" he said raising his brow as he moved closer to me, I only had bottoms on, and my top half was completely naked still.

That's how he always got me off guard, by kissing my bare skin and running his hands up and down my sides and waist.

Kissing the back of my neck, and grazing his hands over my breasts.

Before I knew it he had lured me into his sexy trap and was hovered over me making out with me on the bed.

When out of the blue Sophia walked in and almost immediately regretted it when she half way screamed.

"Oh my Fu- Ew!" She said covering her eyes from my naked breasts being thrown about while I laid on my back with her brother on top of me, in just shorts.

"Gross!" She spat again when Peter got up and threw a towel at her from the floor below.

"Ever heard of knocking!" He said angry.

"Ever heard of locking a door!" She said with her eyes still covered.

"What do you want?" He asked as I covered my eyes from total embarrassment.

"I was going to ask Camreigh if I could borrow the shirt she was wearing today, for my dad but never mind" she said exiting Peter's bedroom.

I was completely mortified but Peter thought it was hilarious.

NOTICE ME : A Peter Kavinsky StoryWhere stories live. Discover now