Chapter 9

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Aizawa POV.
Where am i?
I turned my head to see Yagi was on my left and Yamada was on my right. All of us had out hands chained above our heads as we sat on the ground. And of course the were the special cuffs that remove quirks.
Who would kidnap us?
Neko-chan... I mean (Y/N) is going to realise when she wakes up tomorrow. Actually she may even notice tonight. Wait. Why didn't the get Evergarden?

Suddenly a villain appeared before us. We all knew him. All for one.

"Hello. Don't fret. I will not take your quirk or kill you because you are under my oldest relative. But i will ask you about her. My (cant be bothered to write all the greats xD) Grandmother (Y/N) what is your relationship with her?"

"Wait... Your an Evergarden?"

"Ye? Just because I'm a villain doesn't mean i don't have relatives. Now hurry up and you will leave faster as i don't want to die when Evergarden gets here and sees that i kidnapped you."

"Why are Yagi and Yamada still not awake. And we are friends. We are helping her with blood donations to ensure her dark goddess side thingy doesn't come to life and in return we have free accommodation. Thats more or less a summary."

"Well one more que..."


"Oh. Kurogiri get them gone now!"

Before we knew anything we were all back at the estate. And still they were not awake.

Your POV

"(Y/N) its been a while... How can i help you?"

"Where are they hidden! I will not hesitate to kill you! You make my life hard enough already! Every time you get a new quirk i get one of the ones you steal a year. I am also funding all your crap while I'm a hero cause I'm bored and want to see what will happen. On top of that your not even my grandson. You are MY SON! That doesn't mean i will not kill you!"

" Mother... They are in your living room at home. I swear on The League of Villains."

"Kurogiri Darling..."

"Yes Supreme mistress?"

"Speak honestly or die. Did you teleport them home and do i need any medicine to wake them up?"

"They were here for about 5minuets and you will need 2 syringes with the 'wakey elixir'"

"If you any of you touch them again. I will kill all of you! Is that understood."

They all nodded.

"Also i need to hire you. I want you to kill anyone and everyone who has slept with the 3 hero's in my protection. I wont have them running their mouths. I will give you what ever you want. EXCEPT MY BOYS!"

" A way into UA. Afterall its the USJ trio tomorrow right? I want 2 of the students. Izuku Midoriya and Bokugo Katsuki"

"Deal. But you guys complete your end first."

"Mistress. Did you realise you were in your Devil form?"

 Did you realise you were in your Devil form?"

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"Nope. Now i shall be heading home. Kurogiri be a darling and open a portal."

Once the portal opened i went back to Neko~San and went through it. I was on edge i thought i was going to end up in the middle of nowhere.

When i got their i saw aizawa had awoken the boys and they were completely confused. What was amusing is how they were still cuffed and so the couldn't use their quirks.
I took my share of photos and unlocked them.

"What is your relationship to All for One?"
"Why are you always blunt? Go to sleep we have the USJ tomorrow."
"Are you biologically related. That would explain how you have lots of quirks. Technically its all for one."
"Fine he's My son. But i tell people he's my great... Grandson. Happy? It wont make a difference if we are related, because if he hurts either one of you 3 i will kill him and his entire league."

I shooed everyone to bed before i retired for the night and waiting to see the letter on my desk in the morning saying payment was due.

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