Chapter 17

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Your POV

I ran to school and saw nezu first showing off my new form and he gave me the thumbs up.

I explained my back story

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I explained my back story.

I waited till everyone was in class before i entered and immediately mineta spotted me.
"Sorry Im late!"
"Who are you?!"
"Im the new transfer student! My name is Kristina YaWaDa.
I am the daughter and only child of Pro hero Crimson Assassin also known as Suzuki. I transferred because I'm living with my father as my mother died last month. Do i need to explain my quirk?"
"Wait... Child? You cant be the only child suzuki also has-"
I kicked him right in the groin.
"No I'm definitely the only child."
"You have a temper! Your father is nicer... Oh.... Ah... I see... Ok... Right anyway Miss YaWaDa-"
"Kristina if you may."
"File realise
This quirk allows me to know any and all data about the person i analyse and i can temporarily remove their quirk and if i want to i can use it as my own. The draw back is i can only steal 15 peoples quirk at a time and i can only hold each quirk for a maximum of 25 minutes. The more quirks the less time i can use it for. "
" Alright... Um... We don't have any spare tables. "
" I'll stand. Its all right. "
I pointed to mineta.
" That boy makes me uncomfortable by the way he looks at me."
"Whats your name?"
"Shota Aizawa."
"Oh your dad's aizawababe right? That makes you one of my dads hehe-"
Everyone laughed at the nickname and i went to the back of the classroom and stood for the remainder of the lesson.
When class was dismissed aizawa held me behind.
"Can i help?"
He pinned me against the wall and whispered in my ear.
"What are you doing! Im a student and your boyfriends child. This is inappropriate!"
"I know its you. Wanna know how?"
"What are you talking about?!"
"I cant erase your quirk."

Oh shit. Ye i forgot he does that.

"Would that be because I'm not using it maybe?"
"Are you seriously the child?"
I nodded as if my life depends on it.
"Sorry for the confusion."
I saw toshinori and hizashi pass me. I wanted to grab them and i wanted to kiss all of them but i promised Nezu i wouldn't let them know its me.
I waited outside and heard aizawa tell them the situation and how i am the child because i had no reaction to his teasing nor any of my usual admittance of a change. They all sounded shocked.
I decided to leave before i was caught eves dropping.
I didn't want to get close to the students as i would end up leaving and hurting their feelings as i would suddenly disappear.
Instead of going to the cafeteria i went to the roof top where i thought i would be alone. I sat on the roof and stepped on the edge and looked down. I always loved the adrenaline i would feel when i was just a step near death.
I sat on the edge and had my legs dangling over the edge as i ate my convince store brought sushi.
I turned my head and i saw tokoyami.
"Hello tokoyami and dark shadow."
"Wait how did you know?"
"I analysed the whole class while i was standing up so i would know everyone's names, quirks and weakness. I'm guessing that's why you are here? Train in the light?"
"I will leave. Sorry for stealing your hideout"
I pulled a grin and fell off the edge. I saw tokoyami run toward the edge as i fell. When he looked down he saw me standing. I waved and ran off. I felt bad for scaring him.
Where could i go? Somewhere, no else would...
I ran to the locker rooms we use in 1-A and sat by myself. I left my lunch on the roof!
I hated this. I wanted to be hugging my boys and i wanted to give them kisses. I wanted to have fun and interact but i don't want to hurt anyone's feelings when i disappear.
I started to break down when i heard hizashi outside with a voice filled with concern.
"Hello. I heard you crying are you alright?"
I couldn't hold it back. I opened the door and dragged hizashi in and pushed him onto the floor. I molded my lips into his he struggled at first.
"So it is you?"
"You cant tell anyone. I fucked up. I promised Nezu i wouldn't get close to anyone so they wouldn't figure out it was me. Im a failure"
"It can stay between us. I have no issues with that. More to me"
"Sorry. So you were crying because you felt isolated?"
"Ye. And I'm hungry. I left my lunch on the roof when i ran from tokoyami cause i cant get close."
"Here's some money go and buy something in the cafeteria before it closes now run."
I made sure the coast was clear before we both escaped.

Present Mic x EraserHead x All Might  x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now