Chapter 30

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I leaned on bakugou as we left and saw my boys being patched up by some rookie medics. No one had a healing quirk and so they just bandages and plastered what needed attention.
Was no one going to question if this was all set up?

"I'm officer Haru. I would like to ask you what happened."

I shot a nightmare quirk through everyone so that their minds would think about the fake torture i put through their heads and a lie detector wouldn't know no difference.

They questioned everyone else and they waited with for me, claiming we spent the last few weeks together in that cell so we kinda bonded.

My interview was finished in a flash.

Once we left the station, everyone looked at my hero Gilbert Franxx form.
"How are you Gilbert?"
"Easy. Maria which is togas twin took him in as a torture toy about 6 months ago after he discovered she was undercover. I took the chance to study him and replicate him."
"Where is he now?"
"Dead if i know maria correctly. Anyway the police told you to go to UA correct?"
"You could have your radio show, you can be pro heroes. I guess... You can live your normal lives here ag-"

Aizawa slapped my cheek so hard i stumbled slightly.

I smiled weakly and kept walking to UA. Why am i trying to push them away? Am i scared they will leave me so i want to leave them? Or am i scared that ill be the reason they die.

Hizashi grabbed my collar and i was pulled out of my thoughts. It was UA.
It seemed... A lot bigger... And secure.

The gates were made of a stronger metal and the bars were thicker. They were also a lot taller.

We were greeted my Nezu.

"Hello. I wasn't expecting you. Its an honour to meet you Furui hōhō."
"The honour is mine, the man... Um wait bear... Rat? Sorry... Ah! The principle who made a successful school and people all over the world try to attend. You produce the best heroes I've ever met."
"Thank you. Can i ask why you are here though?"
"Oh sorry. I don't want to return home. Lets say after 6months i don't wanna be a hero or be captured so i asked to stay with these awesome dudes. They were awesome! They actually put up a battle against that woman's crazy army of maids and butlers!"
"Well...follow me then?"

We followed and we saw bakugou behind us. We went to 1-A. Almost everyone jumped up and hugged the 3 men.
A few turned to me and i smiled but it wasn't reassuring when one of the wounds on my face was bleeding.

"OMG! YOUR PRO HERO Furui hōhō!

"I'm retiring. Being a hero caused me a lot of issues recently and next time, i might not survive."
"We need a staff member for fill in when teachers call in ill."
"If i would be allowed what about hand to hand combat? These students might not always be able to use their quirks. So id love to teach that "
"Sure. I guess i will have you start tomorrow.".

We left the classroom and the teachers that had replaced toshinori, aizawa, and hizashi had began packing their stuff.

I watched as they all dashed to their chairs and gave their work tables and computers a loving compassionate face rub and hug.

A woman came up to me and as my name meant the way of old i had decided my personality from the beginning. A gentle man.

She came up to me and i threw my kimono over her.
{Yes I'm wearing clothes underneath}

"A woman shouldn't flaunt her skin, that's a sight only your special person should see."
"Hehe~ your adorable and every one shows skin nowadays. My name is Midnight."
"Alright. Nice to meet you milady."
Everyone was giggling at how i seemed like a charmer and a gentleman.
Midnight handed my kimono back and left the room. Guess she had a lesson to teach.

The boys wouldn't stop petting their tables and i sat down and pouted. I don't get treated like that.

None of the other teachers were here and so i just laid across the sofa and pouted.
Toshinori came over to me and lifted me up slightly, sat down and then placed my head on his lap.
He started playing with my hair as i snuggled into his lap.
"Oh ye make sure later you are ready to meet bakuson."
"Is that meant to be bakugou?"
"Ye... Play on words... Meanie."

I went back to pouting and toshinori kept giving me affection as if it was aizawa with a kitten.

I acted asleep when someone came in as i didn't want to explain.

"Welcome back guys... Who's that?!"
"Hello 13, this is Gilbert Franxx. He is-"
"I went and worked with him for a while... So why is he here and why is he on your lap?"
"13!!!! The NEWSSSSSSS!"
"Don't watch it."

"(y/n) had captured him 6 months ago and us only a few weeks. So nezu offered him protection and a job here. He started having a nightmare so toshinori is making him relaxed by knowing someone is near who will protect him."
"When he wakes up send him to the USJ. We can catch up."
"He won't remember. He can't even remember his birth date. The police are blaming this on a coping method his brain started to stop him going insane. Also he cant be healed."

13 left and toshinori patted my head
"Thanks for dumping that on me sleeping beauty."
"Your welcome."
It was the end of the day and we said good bye to the teachers and went on our way.
We caught up with Midoriya, Todoroki, Urakaka, Iida, Bakugou...
"Who is this?"
"Shinsou. Aizawas kid."

I looked the kid over. Messy hair... Check. Dry eyes... Check. Bags under eyes... Check.
"Holy shit! When did aizawa have a kid!"
"Just like izu is all mights kid. Everyone has a secret love child."
"True. Why is he here though?"
Oh ye the texts...
"Are you saying he actually want to be? Like no argument, or persuasion?"
The kids nodded.
"Bloody hell 2 kids one day. If i do this i can have an army of kids. All of UA. But you know what. I don't need anymore. You guys will be enough."

"Well bakuhoe, they all refer to me as mum, toshinori as dad, hizashi as daddy, aizawa as father."
"Oh well. Welcome to the family bakuhoe and shinsou."

I shook shinsous hand.

"The pleasure is mine."
"By the way when was the last time you slept?"
"... Today is Thursday."

Before anyone could speak i shoved everyone through the portal as a teacher was about to pass the alleyway.

We made a human lump pile.
I got up first.

I knew something was wrong when i saw the living room wasn't cleaned from breakfast.


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