Chapter 22

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The new day had began and i used our connection to see if anyone was awake. None of my lovers were awake and it was 9am.
I left my room and my maid moved to the side so i could leave.
The only servant missing was midoriya's.
"Where's Jackson?"
"Young master called him in and he never returned."
"How long ago?"
"Last night..."

No way Midoriya could have killed my assassin. ..
I opened the door and the smell of metal hit me like a bag of bricks.
Someone defiantly died.
"Izuku darling?"

"Izuku darling?"

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My god. Izuku killed Jackson.
"He was too easy. Im bored."

What the hell happened in the last 24 hours that made him snap like this. He was set on being a hero now he's insane like me. I'm not complaining but i am interested.
"Hey darling, what have you been thinking about?"
"Everyone and what they told me growing up. Like kacchan. He told me i would never be a hero. I guess he was right. Everyone told me i would be useless and quirkless. I could never be a hero! Here i am. They were right! I am a villain and I'm going to be the Number 1 Villain."

I ruffled his hair occasionally putting my hand in some blood that was in his hair. Eventually he fell asleep in my arms and i carried him to his bed. Shortly afterwards Todoroki came in and covered his mouth preventing himself from being sick.
" Did izuku do this?"
"Ye. He's gone insane like me. This will be fun. Hope you keep your sanity but i doubt you will. My sons hehe~"
I ruffled Todorokis hair quickly before i left him in Izukus room.

"Assign a new assassin. Maybe our strongest. Jackson is dead."
One of the maids looked like they were about to cry and a hand flew to her stomach.
"You are lizzie correct?"
"Y... Yes mistress."
"What was Jackson and your relationship..."

I had forbid relationships between my servants. She was terrified. She knew if she lied she would die but she was also scared to tell the truth but she risked it.

"I was his fiancé and i am with his child... Im sorry mistress."
"Im sorry for you loss however how can i pregnant women be an assassin? Im sorry but i will be letting you go. You broke the law of this house so i should be killing you. Now leave."

When she left i erased her memories of this place and who lived here so she would never be able to tell people.

I went and looked at the Japanese news reports and i was enjoying the uproar we caused. People couldn't believe the most loved and famous and strongest Pro heroes went to the villains side. Also seems like crime went up significantly due to it. I kept scrolling till i screamed with joy and every one woke up and ran into the living room.
"Ops sorry for waking you up."
Everyone looked at the tv.
Breaking News : Turbo Hero Ingenium died!
In recent news, pro hero ingenium died and his younger brother named tenya Iida is being man hunted and Iida went rouge and started killing. If anyone knows his where about please call ************"

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