Filling The Void | Chapter Two | Distractions

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"Okay, so I'm thinking sporty looks for you and dressy looks for me!"

Rolling my eyes I watch as people wander the small isles of clothes.

Kaitlyn and I were currently at the boardwalk, sifting through tiny shops, searching racks of clothing to try to find authentic things for the new school year.

Kaitlyn, of course, was planning out my whole wardrobe change.

"I have clothes, Kaitlyn!" I whine, sliding clothes on the rack as I push the cart.

She waves me off as she rolls her eyes, "Honey if you don't have at least one pair of ankle boots in your closet, you're in for a ride."

I groan playfully as we change direction for the shoe department.

There were definitely a couple things in the cart that I didn't love love - but I wasn't going to tell her that.

"So..."I start, glancing around the shelf for the so-called ankle boots.

"So?" She says, moving me along.

To be honest, I didn't know where I was going with this.

Last night I hadn't gone to bed until two and when I finally did I had a dream about Ryder. It was weird because when I ran my fingers through his hair during the dream, it felt like I was doing it in real life.

How was I supposed to tell that to Kaitlyn - his sister.

That was weird, something you just didn't do. So instead I took a deep breath and picked up a shirt of the rack, picking at the beads as if I were interested.

"Where's Ryder?"

I don't see her initial reaction and I wish I had because the controlled arc of her brows as she hands me a brown pair of boots is totally unexpected.

"You and Ryder huh?"

My heart stops, the dream transparent over my view of the shop.

I take the boots from her, "What? No way, I was just wondering cause he's-"

"Hot, masculine...mysterious?" She asks cocking her head at me with a raised eyebrow.

"Ew!" I screech, grabbing another pair of boots from her grasp, "You're his sister Kaitlyn!"

She laughs and throws her head back, looking up at the ceiling, "Okay, yes I agree...ew, but still...I know eye candy when I see some."

I shudder, "You're disgusting."

"Not as disgusting as you!" She whispers taking the cart from me, "You're the one who likes him."

"No," I correct, "Ryder left as my friend and he still is one. Things don't change over a span of three months. Besides, I talked to him yesterday-"

"More like ran him over with your bike."

My mouth falls open and I gasp, "It's not like I meant to!"

"Sweetie,"she starts, rolling the cart up to check out, lYou can deny your feelings to yourself but not to me. You guys would be great."

I shake my head, "We aren't a possibility. Give it up."

Two hours later were at sand bars shakes, walking out with a chocolate and strawberry in hand.

"I don't like Ryder Kaitlyn." I argued as I found the car and hop in.

She's been insisting on me dating her brother for the past hour. To be honest, I felt kind of bad for this Natalee girl.

As we piled into the car and started down the road I stuck my hand out the window, listening to kids playing on the street as we drove through the neighborhood.

Then suddenly, a voice mumbled behind the radio. "Ader."

I turn my head to watch as Kaitlyn smiles down the road ahead of her. "What'd you say?"

Her smile grows into a smirk, "Hm?"

She's pretending she doesn't know what I'm taking about and I shake my head in disbelief.

"What'd you say Kaitlyn?"

"Nothing I just had something in" She murmurs.

Silence passes as i narrow my eyes at her, trying to make out what shes said. Finally i hear it.

"Is that?-"

"Your ship name!" She squeals, "I've been thinking about it for the last five minutes and I-"

"Drop it, Kaitlyn." I snap, turning my body toward the window.

No matter how cute she was when she was excited I wasn't about to get caught up in it. I don't want Ryder, we were friends. Have been for as long as I could remember.

Besides, distractions are the last thing he needs. Right now he needs to focus on himself, better his inner person.

Then he can date as many Charleston Seniors as he wants.

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