Filling The Void | Chapter Twelve | The Heart Knows, But Do You?

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Kaitlyn sighs for the millionth time this evening as she steps inside my living room, and throws herself on the couch.

Ever since we left the shop she's seemed lighter, probably glad that she got the heavy secret off her chest. However, all I feel is icky.

Kaitlyn had pushed me toward her brother in hopes to keep me from becoming like Natalee. Now, all I was left with was a confused heart and a whole lot of stress when it came to Ryder.

Over the past few days, I've been avoiding him. Monday had been the day he'd told us about Natalee. Tuesday had been quiet and Wednesday was even quieter. No one spoke up, not even Natalee.

Earlier at the coffee shop, I'd found out that she and Ryder had been together since Monday, which was just another thing Kaitlyn had been keeping from me.

The beginning of this week was full of realization for me. The main thing was that this whole Ryder and Natalee situation genuinely bothered me.

I think it's because of what I know Ryder deserves, I'm angry that he's settling for her when he could be - well, I don't know, with someone else.

"That charity event!" Kaitlyn chimes, sitting up straight. She's got this whole new look of excitement on her face as she says, "Did I tell you about it?"

I furrow my brows, a small smile on my face as I sit next to her on the couch. "No, I don't think so."

"Well..." She starts,  "Mrs. Clayton has us planning for this bachelor type of thing where we auction off dates. In all honesty, I think it's a little inappropriate to do at a high school, but who listens to me right?"

She continues as I nod, "Anyway, basically I suggested we auction of girls instead! Like a swap! Everyone always does boys - ya know?"

I chuckle and lean back against the couch, "Have you gotten any girls to do it yet?"

She pauses, chewing on her lip, "No, no one yet."

We sit there, TV playing in the background when suddenly she glances over at me.

"No Kaitlyn. No way."

"Why not!" She whines, her bottom lip stuck out as her eyes plead. "It'll give you a chance to get out there!"

"I don't wanna date anyone!" I shout, laughing as I watch her jut out her bottom lip.

She gives me a look that only a five-year-old gives when they want something at the store. "Please please, please! I'll wash your car for two weeks!"

Shaking my head a laugh escapes me, "Kaitlyn I'll just take it to the car wash if I want it washed and-"

"Please!" She shouts, getting down on her knees.

I'm about to say no again but my dad walks in, the door opening drawing my attention away from the desperate beggar.

"Hold your fire Kaitlyn, what's going on here?"

He chuckles as he cleans his glasses on his shirt, setting down a bag of food and his bag on the table. He's a sight for sore eyes, I haven't seen him in what had to at least be two days.

Before I can explain what's going on in a way that he'll understand, Kaitlyn beats me to it.

"Don't you think your daughter would get tons of dates?"

"Kaitlyn!" I shout as I turn to face her, my face reddening.

At first, I hadn't been worried about what she'd say, but after that, I was on the edge of my seat. Well, not really. I was actually standing, Kaitlyn arms wrapped around my legs like a toddler.

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