Filling The Void | Chapter Twenty -Seven | Room 112

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You'd think I'd be good with death by now, but as I stand in the waiting room pacing back and forth, my friends watching anxiously, I begin to wonder if I'm going mad.

Do people say it gets easier? Is that something people say? If so, then they're wrong. My mom died more than a year ago and it's only gotten harder.

"Ms. Waters?"

At the sound of an unfamiliar voice my head pops up along with everyone else's and we eye the doctor holding the clipboard.

"That's me," I assure, walking toward her.

Since I'd heard the word that my dad was placed in a room and that I was free to stay, I've been much more stable. We're still working on trying to hold a conversation though.

She nods and suspiciously eyes my friends who are sat in their chairs.

At this point I don't care who knows the details of my father's health, I just want to see him.

"Please." I plead," It doesn't matter just tell me. Can I see him?"

She sighs and flips the page on her board and skims through it, "He's in critical condition so not just yet, apparently he fell asleep when the fire started. We'll have him in for questioning once he's doing better."

My brows furrow at her words and my mind races, "What-What no. You can't question him when he's injured that's-"

"Just the way things are hun. I'm terribly sorry, is your mother around?"

Her eyes scan my friends, and when they land on Mrs. Nicolson she tries to put it together.

"No," I say, cutting her off before she makes a false accusation.

She sends me a confused look and then nods while tucking the clipboard under her arm "Get her in as soon as possible."

With a light hand on my shoulder, she sends me a soft smile before turning to go back the way she came.

Turning around, my friend's eyes meet mine and I try to take into account who's here.

Of course, Kaitlyn was here being that they found the fire exactly when I did. Even Mrs.Nicolson was here, apparently, she'd flown in last night. Then there was Ryder and Josh.

I found myself looking for Sebastian, the green eyes that I took comfort in for what felt like forever. They weren't there.

I let my gaze linger on Ryder and sigh. It would take me a while to come to terms with the fact that Ryder was my guy now.

I hadn't really been paying attention to anyone else besides myself tonight, but now that I am I'm starting to realize how late it is.

"Guys, thanks for being here but you really should go home."

Not a second goes by before Ryder scoffs and stands up, "Your dad is in the hospital and you want us to go home? Go home and do what Aspen?! All we're going to do is worry about you and it's better to do it here. So cut the crap. You want us here as much as we want to be here."

I stood still blinking at him silently and when his mom stood up she placed a hand on his shoulder. "Honey maybe we should go home, this is Aspens decision."

His jaw clenches before he steps away from his mom and toward me, "Not this one."

His mother looks back and forth between us before sighing, "If you need anything sweetie don't hesitate to call us."

It was sweet of her to be here, but while she was a mother-like figure, she wasn't my mom.

I sent her the best smile I could before exchanging hugs with her and watching her leave.

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