Filling The Void | Chapter Seventeen | Tonight

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Weeks passed as we spent time getting ready for the auction. We had moved the best friend rehearsals to my house in hopes of not running into a certain someone. Neither of us wanted to ruin our avoiding streak.

However, it was hard for me because Ryder was in my classes and every time he caught my eye I felt a piece of my heart breaking. I'd said things I regretted, been a little extra rude but not a liar. Everything I said had been true, I'd been giving him advice and he hadn't even been trying. Nothing I said was wrong, I just wish I'd said it differently.

"So how are you and Sebastian going?" Kaitlyn says, pouring water into a glass, "Everyone's talking about you guys at school. You might have this whole auction in the bag just because of your relationship."

I roll my eyes, watching as Kaitlyn puts chicken nuggets in the microwave. "It's great, he's really sweet. We have fun."

A beat of silence passes and then she says, "Oh no."

"What? What's wrong?"

She arcs a brow, "You have fun? Aspen, it doesn't-"

"I do," I assure her. "We do."

Saying we had fun had been a mistake, I wasn't planning on friend zoning Bash.

"Good," She says, smiling as the microwave beeps,  "because you're officially my one true pair. Don't disappoint me."

I sit down across from her, peeling my orange as she speaks.

"Where are you two going tonight?"

My heart clenches, nervousness I hadn't opened up about yet, filling me to the point of a stomach ache.

"What's wrong?"

"I'm meeting his parents," I say, biting my lip vigorously as I lose my appetite.

"That's great!" She chimes, smiling at me. When she notices my face she laughs, tilting her head to the side, "Aspen you're a parent charmer, my mom loved you right away and you were four."

Hesitantly I make a sound and she scoffs, "Aspen shut up, you'll be fine."

When Sebastian came to pick me up I was fine. We laughed and shared a bag of m&m's due to his promise at his mom's food being horrible.

However, when he pointed up the drive to his house it became real. I was dating Sebastian Trey and I was about to meet his parents.

We'd been texting for weeks, doing homework at my house when refused to leave me without 'protection' when my dad wasn't there. Eating pizza at Sams Hut, and viewing a lot of 3D movies.

It was natural now and whenever I thought about the word girlfriend I felt very obligated.

I step out of the car, Sebastian having run around after parking and opening the door for me. He was there with a smile.

As nervous as ever but trying not to show it I clear my throat.

Bash notices and says, "Hey, remember who you're here for- me, not them and lucky for you you've already won me over."

This makes me feel better and he takes my hand in his, walking me up. It must have been weird to knock on his own front door but he did and when it was opened I had to look down to see who'd done it.

"Mom! Bashy's home!"

The girl giggles and he lets go of my hand to step forward, his hands picking the girl up around her waist. He spins her around once just inside the hall and sets her down, adjusting her shirt just as she runs around the corner.

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