Chapter One

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Chapter One

"Alex?" my friend Charlotte poked her head outside my door. I was laying out a variety of blouses on my duvet in order to decide which one to actually wear for tomorrow. "Your Mom just let me in she told me you'd be up here."

"Hey Charlotte," I greeted her not straying my vision from the shirts in front of me.

"Trying to decide what to wear?" She quizzed walking up beside me and leaning her arm onto my shoulder.

"Always," I replied laughing with a hint of frustration. "Its not like everyday is the first day of Senior year. I've been looking at the same three shirts for about three hours now and I'm still unsure if any of them look the slightest bit decent on me."

"I bet they all look great, you're thinking to harshly about it." She complimented me picking up the white flowly shirt in her hand. "I like this one." She gestured for me to try it on so I obliged and slipped my gray hoodie over my head and replaced it with the top.

"I'm sure Liam will love it." She mocked.

"What makes you think I'm picking out an outfit for him?" I quizzed back slipping the shirt back off my head to replace it with the sweatshirt once again.

"Just a hunch," She giggles. Liam was that boy in our high school that the majority of girls drooled over. He played basketball, lacrosse, and hockey and didn't even look like he broke a sweat while doing it. Contrary to popular belief I had known him ever since we were in diapers yet everything seemed to stay at a pretty platonic level. Charlotte was dating one of his best friends, Niall who was similar in sport acuity but I hadn't known him nearly as long. They had been dating ever since about tenth grade and have been inseparable. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't jealous, but not all girls can get what they want. I just hoped this year would be different and Liam would finally take a bit of a note that I was actually interested in him.

"Fine I'll wear it." I groaned slouching myself onto the bed and letting my back fall onto the mattress. "Why is everything so easy with you? You have the most amazing boyfriend, the fashion sense, the coordination. If I walk ten feet I'm most likely in danger of taking down a small child." Charlotte attempted at muffling her laugh but it was clearly obvious she found my statement humorous.

"Trust me, things with Niall aren't as easy as you'd think."

"Oh no. Trouble in paradise?" I said twisting my head to look at her. She was fiddling with her thumbs in her lap looking down at my floor like a lost puppy.

"Eh, not really. He's just been away all summer at that stupid lacrosse camp and I haven't been able to talk to him since June. I mean who know's what he's been up too? What if he's been with another girl!"

I sat up straight fore ward giving Charlotte the most disapproving look I could possibly muster, "You know Niall, he wouldn't do that."

"I guess you're right. Have you heard from Liam at all?" She was quick to change the subject as I slipped myself off the bed and picked up the clothing strewn all over my floor. I folded it nicely and picked out a pair of denim cut offs to lay out on my chair for tomorrow morning.

"Not really except for a few texts telling me how great it is that we're now seniors." I shrugged joining her back on the bed. She twisted her body to face me and took my hands in her's.

"Don't worry, he'll come around Alex. Some boy's are just more oblivious than others, I mean I practically had to write it out in the sky for Niall to realize that I had feelings for him." I laughed at that.

"Ladies - lemonade is on the table if you're interested?" My mom called from down stairs. Charlotte looked at me and we both silently agreed to join my mother for a drink in the living area.

Once we arrived down stairs my Mom had already perched herself on the living room couch watching a new episode of New Girls. Sometimes I thought she was such a teenage girl at heart.

"Mrs. Fray how was your summer?" My friend sucked up sitting on the adjacent couch. I grabbed a clear glass from the cabinet then filled it with some of the lemonade and joined them in the living room as my mother went on and on about how great our trip was to the Bahamas. Which I ended up getting sick twice from the boat rocking so much.

"So you girls excited for the first day of the rest of your life?" My mom asked us with the most enthused tone she could probably muster.

"I'm actually really excited. Plus I'm not even taking a math class this year and I get two take to different art classes which makes everything better." Charlotte replied.

"What about you Alex, you've barely spoken a word to me all week! You've been huddled up in that bedroom of yours with that phone just dwindling your thumbs." My cheeks flushed as Charlotte looked at me with an amused face. She knew what I had been waiting for, a stupid text from Liam. Which matter of factly, only came like three times total this whole summer at most saying,

Liam: Glad you had fun at Bahamas. Can't wait for Senior year to start.

Wasn't much of an enthusiastic response if you ask me. Some nights Charlotte literally had to take my phone away in order for me to stop from attempting to text him.

"I won't ask," My mom gushed slipping a small laugh. I groaned in agony becoming extremley embarrassed from my desperateness.


After Charlotte had left it was gaining on eleven, I did my usual rounds saying goodnight to my mom, my dad, and my brother Benjamin. He was about eight so he wasn't exactly phased at my attempt to hug him goodnight.

I walked into my bathroom, wiped off all my makeup, and took a glance at myself in the mirror.

"This year will be different," I said to myself. I pulled my hair up into a pony tail and checked my phone one last time before I slipped underneath my covers.

One new message from Liam

My heart did a small flip as I plugged my phone into its charger and opened up the message. I'm pretty sure my Mom could have heard my yelp as I read the text.

Liam: Hope you had a good summer, Alex! See you tomorrow :)

I scrambled to text Charlotte the news and she replied within seconds exclaiming how I'd woken up her up yet she was happy for me.

That night, I fell asleep with a smile on my face anticipating for tomorrow's events. Little did I know a lot more was in store for me.

Author's Note

Hi Everyone xoxo

Those who don't know me or are new to my account my name is Meredith. I recently was sort of messing around with a few ideas of stories in my head and I basically spit balled a few chapters before I came up with this.

If you do not like this first chapter, please please bare with me. I promise it get's better.

If you haven't seen any of my other stories I wrote two called 'In the Fastlane' and 'Secret's' both being Niall stories. I was in the midst of writing a story called 'Take a Chance' but sort of lost my motivation and hit a bit of a rough spot in both my writing and life.

Any who, I will be updating probably twice a week. I haven't worked all the kinks out but I think it'll be on both Sunday's and Wednesday's.

If you have any questions or comments please don't refrain from asking - I love you guys to death and appreciate every vote or read you give me.

Oh and Happy 2015!

Lots of love,

Meredith xoxo

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