Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

The next day bright and early I got another nice text message from Charlotte saying she'd no longer need a ride from me because Nialls car had finally seen the light of day and was fixed.

I happily got a few more minutes of sleep before slipping out of bed, taking a quick shower, and changing into a floral dress with a denim jacket. I grabbed my white VANS and headed down stairs with my bag swinging it over my back.

"Morning, darling." My Mom greeted me like usual handing me my mug to make my coffee. "Did I mention a thank you for taking your brother to the park yesterday?"

"No you failed to mention that." I smirked filling my cup with the coffee and sitting at the island. She leaned against it and laughed at me. "But you're welcome."

"Anything interesting happen? Bengie mentioned something about you talking to some creepy boy."

"He said creepy?" I laughed. "Harry's hardly creepy."

"Harry?" My mom cocked her eyebrow.

"He's just a boy from school. I barely know anything about him."

"Alright. How's Liam?" She changed the subject turning around to dump her tea out.

"As much as I'd love to converse with you about my love life I've got to go to school." I replied. "Love you." I kissed her cheek and headed out the door spilling my coffee in the sink on the way out. I did my normal routine of tossing my bag into the side seat before hopping in and pushing my key into the ignition.

A light buzzing sound hummed before a large crashing sort of sound alarmed me from the back. All of the car's dials dropped to 0 and my heart dropped a long with it.

"No, no, no, no." I begged my car. "Baby, please. Don't die on me." I groaned slamming my hands on the steering wheel. I got out of the car walking around and grabbing my bag from the adjacent seat digging my phone out.

I knew Niall and Charlotte would probably already be at school, showing off how much PDA they could squeeze in before first period so the only person I could think of was Liam.

I quickly dialed his number, my heart already beating a mile a minute.

"Hello?" Liam's voice filled my ear.

"Hey, Liam?"

"Hey Alex, whats going on?"

"My car just died and I seriously have no idea-"

"You need a ride?"

"Please," I breathed out lightly laughing.

"Already on my way." He said giving me a laugh back leaving me grinning.

"Thanks Liam you're a life saver."

"All in a days work, babe." My heart did a few flips as I listened to him call me such a cliche name, but I loved every second of it. "See you in two." He said before hanging up.

I waited patiently leaning on my demon car that may have turned a bad situation into a even better one as Liams car pulled up into my driveway. I was already expecting my Mom to be peaking out the window as Liam got out took my bag from me and tossed it into the back seat. I gave him a quick thank you before getting into the front seat and watching as he buckled his seat belt and put the key in the ignition.

"All buckled up?" He asked me. I nodded and gave him a quick smile. He pulled out of the driveway and did my normal everyday thing of driving down main street until we reached the turn into the school. The whole ride was pretty much silent besides a few drops of words like 'I'm really not looking foreword to calculus today' or something like that.

Liam pulled into a parking spot that was surprisingly empty right next to the school which led me thinking, it was five minutes before school how'd he have such a good spot?

"Hey Liam?"

"Yeah?" He asked hopping out of his car.

"How'd you get such a good parking spot?" I asked, a bit of a silly question but he simply walked next to me and draped his arm over my shoulder.

"All great magicians have their secrets," He chuckled as we walked in together, his arm still around my shoulder.

I got a few looks from some girls in the halls as we approached my locker where Charlotte was grabbing her art supplies from. She turned to see me with a wide smile from ear to ear as she greeted me with a hug, leaving an aching feeling from the disappearance of Liam's arm.

"What'd I miss?" She whispered in my ear. I shrugged and Liam told me he'd see me at lunch, of course he added court yard at the end just to tease me.

I spent the whole first five minutes before the bell gushing over how my car had broken and how Liam had come to my rescue but in reality I was just happy he was finally noticing me.

When the bell finally went off I collected my binders from my locker and went to class with Charlotte. I was happy that I didn't have to sit through any boring classes this morning since I had art. So far we'd spent the last three days learning about the different types of water colors but today we were going to start out first project.

When first getting into class I noticed Harry in the back already painting away on his canvas. Charlotte attempted to drag me to the front but I failed to oblige and simply told her I wanted to sit in the back. I put my things at the aisle next to Harry and sat on the stool placing my paints and canvas onto the aisle as well. I noticed Harry looking over to me a few times but he was clearly moved diagonal to me even though he was the only spot next to me. His art work couldn't have been seen by the closest person to him even if they tried.

Miss Smith started talking about how to paint straighter lines and how abstract was just another reason to paint what you're feeling but the only thing I could think about was what Harry was working at. He hadn't looked up once besides a few glances over towards my direction throughout the class.

I hadn't worked up the courage to say anything until the bell went off I'd knew I had ran out of time. Harry was the last up to put his painting away as I closely followed behind him. I hadn't done much since most of my attention had stayed glued onto Harry all I'd really gotten done was the outline of the face I was attempting to paint.

"Hey Harry," I muttered placing my painting in the racks to dry. He was put off a bit as he jumped to hearing his name. "S-sorry, didn't mean to scare you."

"Its fine," He pushed out. He slipped past me rather swiftly and I couldn't help but notice another plaid shirt. Except this time it was green and black.

"Well, bye then I guess." I awkwardly waved and put my hand down in disappointment as I practically talked to myself.

"Miss Fray," I heard Miss Smith say from her desk as she organized some papers. "I missed you in the front today."

"Yeah, I felt like a little change," I shrugged.

"Make sure its for the better, yeah?" She said. I just nodded slipping my bag back onto my shoulder and left the class wondering whether she meant my lack to sitting in the front with Charlotte or my constant curiosity about Harry.

Author's Note

Sorry my original scheduling of uploading isn't really working...Hope you guys are enjoying it though.

Let me know who you're shipping...

Love you all,

Meredith xoxo

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