Chapter Twenty Nine

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Chapter Twenty Nine

Alex's POV

(I don't know if you guys like Harry's or Alex's POV better, personally since I'm a girl I enjoy writing for the female characters better since I understand their countenance and the way their minds operate better but if you guys have a preference please comment and tell me. Thanks xoxo)

"So what're your plans today?" My Mom asked me stirring some sugar into her coffee. I'd been up for nearly an hour and a half and had just gotten around to getting my breakfast. My weekend had been nonstop plans, fortunately, they were with Harry. Regardless of the matter I was exhuasted and didn't want to be bothered from school work.

"I'll probably see what's on television." I mumbled cutting a piece off my french toast.

"Don't you have school work you should be doing?" She read my mind.

I tried not to give her a sarcastic remark about how exhuasted I was from keeping myself occupied all weekend but instead decided to keep my silence. The last thing I wanted to think about was going back to school.

More importantly, Charlotte.

I hadn't spoken to her since she passed along that rather rude comment about Harry and I and pretended to spill paint all over my pants on accident.

Accident my ass.

She probably just wanted to get more attention, just like always.

"What about seeing what Charlotte's up to?" My Mom spoke bringing me out of my conversation in my head.

"I couldn't care any less than I do right now." I gave her a greedy smile before finishing off the last peice of my french toast and bringing it up to the sink to wash.

"That doesn't sound too good." She remarked sipping her coffee at the island.

"Really?" I said. "I thought it sounded like we were getting along for a second."

"No need to be fresh, Alex."

"I'm sorry." I sighed. "She's practically been my sister since we were in diapers and now all we do is argue about the most meaningless things."

"Such as?" She asked.

"Just meaningless things." I replied not wanting to get into the fact she practically thought I was Harry's private prostitute. "Despite the fact that she hates me right now, even if I tried to contact her she'd probably send me right to voice mail. And I mean in person and on the phone."

"Charlotte loves you, Alex." She reassured me. "There's nothing an apology can't fix."

"I think this fight is a bit to far to mend." I sighed. "If she can't accept who I am than why should I apoligize for that?"

"I thought you were fighting about something meangingless." My Mom pushed her eyebrow up in confusion as my Dad walked in with his newspaper in hand. He plopped himself next to my mother at the island and pressed a quick kiss to her cheek waiting for my response as if he'd been listening the whole time.

"I've suddenly remembered that english paper I have to do." I said giving my Mom a look as in to say, we'll talk later.

I retreated back into my room before searching for my bag to find something to occupy myself for a while.

After a few minutes of looking I settled on reading my english assignment so maybe I could be a bit more productive.

It didn't take my Mom long before she came into my room demanding for answers.

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