Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter Fourteen

That day in art class things were light with Harry. He made jokes on and off, Charlotte seemed to mind her own business with her painting, and the day seemed to run by smooth. I was waiting for the right time all day to ask him whether he'd attend the party with me but for some reason I knew my body was guarding itself because I knew somehow he'd find a way to say no.

I've been told by various people I can be farely convincing when I need to be but I just couldn't convince myself it'd be the same with Harry.

When lunch rolled around and I got in line with several other people and I stared around the lunch room. Liam, Niall, and Charlotte sat at their usual table in the courtyard and I spotted Harry's flannel shirt, light blue and white this time sitting by himself at a table near the edge of the cafeteria.

As I placed a caesar salad on my plate and grabbed an ice tea I felt myself walking in the opposite direction from where my body wanted it to go. I caught Charlotte's eyes as she watched me walk towards Harry's table and I clearly watched her tap Liams shoulder for his attention towards my actions. Regardless of their unliking I continued to walk over to his table getting more nervous by the minute.

Niall seemed unphased by my choices, he was a pretty chill guy and the only one out of the three of them that hadn't given me the least bit of grief about Harry.

"Is this seat taken?" I found myself saying standing in front of the boy who continued to sketch in his notebook while sipping a soda on and off.

"Depends, are your muppets going to join?"

"Not today, I'm afraid." I said.

"Have a hayday then." He gestured for me to sit down then closed up his sketch book and folded his hands.

"Whatchya drawing there?" I said pouring some dressing onto my salad.

"What do you want, Alexandra?"

"What do you mean, what do I want?"

"People don't usually pay extra attention to others unless they want something from them." He simply stated grabbing his soda and taking a sip from it nonchalantly. "So let's make this short and sweet and get to the point shall we?"

"Can I not just want to sit with a friend of mine?" I said taking a bite from my salad.

'We're friends?" He spoke putting his soda down. "I thought you were my stalker."

"Ha-ha," I joked. "Real funny."

"But really, what do you want?" He asked again pushing me.

"Well there is one thing..." I lead on taking a sip from my ice tea. He cocked his eye brow waiting for me to speak up as I led into my big monologue, "Look, I know social outings aren't really your 'scene' to quote you directly but I really think you should consider what I'm about to ask you. Okay? Anyway, I've put some thought into this and I really think you should take a chance with this and say yes. Liam had mentioned something to me about a party and I'm usually not a party kinda girl but its senior year and I want to try something new, and I think you should too, so would you, um, come to the party with me? And if it gets boring or anything we can totally leave, I mean not like that, but you can leave and go home if you think it sucks and everything."

"Take a breath, Alexandra." Harry laughed. For a second I had hope he might obligue but as he began to speak my heart fell to the bottom of my chest. "That's a lovely request, really. But I just don't think thats a good idea. None of your little pasi takes a large liking towards me. Before you try and deny that, I can take a hint, yeah? Thanks for asking though."

"Is there anything I can do to change your mind?" I didn't want to fight him because I knew that would just end up with him getting up and not talking to me for the next two days before I ran into him somwhere random holding a cold vegetable filled pizza.

"Sorry." He shrugged opening his sketch journal back up to begin drawing.


After school I had promised myself I'd go right back home to get a head start on my homework, but like everything else in the world that didn't go as planned.

I pulled up the dirt road the countless time and parked in the same parking spot. No one elses car sat in the lot and ask I went inside Harry's head of curls and his plaid shirt stood out in the back. He noticed my face outstandingly quick as he came towards the front to greet me.

"What're you doing here?"

"What else, ordering a coffee."

"Oh so I can spill it on you again?"

"I was hoping," I sarcastically yet sweetly replied leaning my head on my hands. He nodded rolling his eyes and went back into the kitchen. There were a few other staff members cleaning up the appliances but other than that it was very silent.

It didn't take Harry longer than two minutes to get me my coffee as he placed it in front of me with two napkins.

"One for you, another for me." He mocked dipping his finger in my coffee and flicking it at my face. "At your request."

I couldn't help but grin as I took one of the napkins and wiped my face clean.

"Sarcasm, my friend." I mocked. He chuckled.

"So what really brings you here?"

"Why do you always assume I want something?"

"Because, I learn to assume the worst," he simply stated shrugging.

"That's not a very positive way to live your life." I gave him a small frown.

"Life's a bitch, what can I say." He spoke, "go on, tell me why you really came to this diner at four o'clock on a Thursday afternoon."

I waited a few seconds to respond before I began to blurt, "Is there anyway you can please rethink my request for the party?" I begged. "Its gonna suck and the last thing I want is to sit on a couch being Liam's trophy girlfriend as a bunch of girls walk by and gawk."

"So you're using me as a cock block?"

"Please," I gave him my best puppy dog eyes and he rolled his eyes running his hand through his hair.

"You're unbelievable," He groaned.

"So is that a yes?" I wiggled my eye brows.

"I'm driving and don't expect me to stay for long or dance."

"Thank you." I cheekily smiled getting up and kissing him on the cheek before leaving him a ten and retreating back to my car. I couldn't help but glance into the window to see a curly haired boy star struck atempting to clean up the coffee I'd barely touched yet paid a ten for.

I was already counting down the days until the party.

Author's Note:


Next Update on Sunday xoxo

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