Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter Sixteen

Stripes of light lit up the room through the lines of Harry's shade. I was slowly woken by the sounds of Harry's soft snoring. I looked around the room slowly taking all the paintings in. A few had several intense backgrounds and others were softer but the one thing they all had in common was they lacked human beings. There were no portraits or even any example of life. That was one of the go-to drawings for me even in my middle school years I'd always doodle some silly stick figure characters holding hands or something.

I sat up in his bed sitting foreward and looking at the array of records Harry had displayed on his wall. I barely recognized any of the artists except for commonly known bands like the script. I was rather surprised Harry had owned something as cliche as them. The song Harry had played last night was still in the record player, yet it stayed still.

Memories flooded back of Harry offering his hand to me before he pulled me right into his chest. It was a completley different Harry I'd never even seen a glimpse of before. His green eyes stung in my brain as I sat up a bit more in bed. I studied the gray sheets that were ontop of my legs. There was a small cross pattern that was sprawled all over the duvet. I also noticed a few holes near the edges where a few seems were beginning to fray.

If my Mom had even caught a glimpse of something so messy she'd have a fit and go out and buy me a completely different comforter. It was sort of a fresh breath of air to finally meet someone who didn't want to control everything in his/her life to the point where it drove them insane. That's sort of how my whole family worked. We had the perfect family, the perfectly clean home, and the perfect children who didn't act up when they were told not too. We had the perfect barbeques during the summer and the perfect christmas tree during the winter. These thoughts were sprayed across my mind as I wondered about Harry's family.

My randomized thoughts soon came to an end as I saw a curly haired boy stretch his arms from above the end of the bed.

"Good morning." I smiled lazily. I looked down noticing I still had my top on from the party last night yet my pants were somewhere on the floor. It took Harry a few moments to register where he was exactly before he ran a hand through his hair and looked over towards me.

"Holy shit." He stopped looking down. He was shirtless as well but still had his black distressed pants on.

"Is everything okay?" I asked as he frantically searched around the floor for his shirt, I guessed.

"Um," He said pulling his black t shirt from the floor and pulling it over his head. "I don't mean to be rude, but you really gotta get out of here." He came around to my side pulling the covers from my legs revealing my accidentally rather lacy underwear. Harry stared for a moment too long before pulling his gaze away to help me out from the bed. His face was clearly flushed as he grabbed my pants from the ground to hand them to me.

"Okay, Okay." I said trying to calm him down while getting my pants up. "I'm going. I'm going." I headed towards the door grabbing my bag on the way and about to grab the knob before I felt a hand on my waist.

"Um," He fidgeted as I turned around quickly. "My Mum's downstairs and I don't think she'd exactly be pleased to find a girl coming out of my bedroom with bed head and yesterdays clothing."

"Right." I sighed. "What do you suggest then?" He turned to look at the window that hung over way to far for my liking. "You're joking right?"

He gave me a serious look, his eyes staying there usual dark green.

"Of course you're not." I sighed. "My shoes and jacket are down stairs on the couch. Don't you think your Mom will be a bit suspicious about that?"

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