Chapter Twenty Seven

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Chapter Twenty Seven

When the night of the game finally rolled around I was relieved I could spend a night at home away from the drama that school consumed. Liam had been furious the whole week about my failure to attend his game this evening, none the less, I knew he'd eventually get over it. Harry was expected to come around at about half past seven so we could make dinner for Benjamin together and maybe watch some movies. My Mom had told me she wouldn't be home until atleast twelve and until then Harry was more than welcome to stay.

It wasn't until about half past six that she was pounding on my door telling me to come downstairs so she could run down the events of the evening for about the thirtieth time.

"I'm coming." I yelled through the door getting off my bed. I'd been watching netflix, catching up on One Tree Hill attempting at being the least knowledgeable of the show consdiering I knew Harry liked it. It was a bit of a cliche and more feminine sided show, but I didn't judge him for liking it. I slipped on my maroon slippers and ran down the stairs past my brother who was holding his stack of movies, getting ready for tonight, I suppose and met my Mom in the kitchen. She was putting things into her small handbag that she believed fit way more than it should have.

"There's left over pasta in the fridge, some frozen pizza's, there's always hot dogs in there," She spoke continuing to fill up her bag. "Benjie can drink soda since it's friday and Harry's welcome to whatever." She looked up as I sat down on the stool next to the island. "Make sure Benjamin is in bed by nine thirty, no later."

"Mom, I've babysat for Benjamin loads before." I sighed putting my hand on my forehead.

"I'm sorry sweetheart," She came over and kissed my forehead before walking into the office to grab some more things for her purse, I assumed. "Your Father and I haven't been out in ages, its hard to remember you're nearly eighteen." She gave me a smile before zipping up her purse and calling my fathers name.

"Coming, Honey." He yelled back from upstairs.

"Is Andy coming too?" I heard Benjamin's small voice come from behind me.

"Not tonight." I gestured for him to come foreward before lifting him onto my lap and wrapping my arms around his torso. "We can have a playdate another time." I reassured.

"Why's Harry coming then?" He asked me again. My Mom watched as he spoke to me in admiration, waiting for my cautious response.

"Don't you like Harry?" I replied.

"Yeah," He shook his head smiling. "He makes funny jokes." He began to giggle before my Mom smiled and walked foreward to kiss his forehead as well.

"All set?" My Mother asked my Dad as he came into the kitchen.

"All ready," He simply replied before giving my Mom a kiss on the cheek and grabbing the car keys from the counter top.

"We'll be home before one." My Father reassured. "Don't think we don't have eyes across the street making sure you're doing the right thing." He directed towards me.

"It's not like I'm going to have a party with my little brother in the house." I rolled my eyes playfully.

"Parties aren't what I'm worried about." He gave me a half smile before giving me a quick hug.

"We'll see you in the morning." My Mom spoke to Benjamin. He gave them a wave goodbye before my Mom gathered her things and headed out the door behind my Father. I hopped off the stool before heading into the kitchen to look through the fridge to get something started for dinner.

"When's Harry getting here?" Benjamin questioned me taking my seat at the stool.


"When's soon?"

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