Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter Fifteen

"You look nice, where you heading?" My Mom stopped me. She was cutting up an assorted bowl of vegetables, for dinner I assumed. I had completey spaced about the party and had forgotten to mention to my mom I was missing dinner.

"Just a little get together at Nialls." I wasn't lying about half of the sentence. It was at Nialls, but I did leave out a few minor details.

"A little get together? Right." She laughed. "What do you think I grew up in? The stone age?"

"No." I shrugged. I slowly slipped past her to put a brown jacket over my white top and jeans. I slipped on my converse and grabbed my purse. "I'll be home by eleven." I reassured.

"No keys?" She lifted her hand to her hip.

"I've got a friend driving me."



"Where has she been? Haven't seen her lately."

"You say that about everyone, Mom." I groaned. "Can I go?"

"I expect to see you through that door at eleven sharp."

"Got it," I sighed opening the door as I saw Harry's car pull into my driveway.

"Make good choices!" I heard her yell as I slammed the door shut. I ran down the stairs a cold breeze of autumn air hitting me like a wall as I tried to make it to his car. When I got in I noticed Harry had changed from his usual flannel into a maroon sweater, regardless he wore the same black torn pants and his usual black cut off boots.

"No flannel?" I mocked. The beatles were playing quietly in the background of the car as he gestured for me to buckle up pulling the car into reverse.

"New me, new look, yeah?"

"You're going to a high school party, Harry." I joked noticing he had also actually combed his hair instead of sticking it up in a bandanna.

It looked nice.

"One more word, I turn around." He said trying to be serious but he couldn't help but crack a smile.

"Aye Aye Captain." I giggled watching as we sped past the school towards Niall's house.

It wasn't long before we approached a lawn full of cars with a bunch of highschoolers already huddled on the porch. Harry unlocked the door after putting his car into park and waiting until I got out. I circled over to his side waiting for him to get out. He kept his hands at his side as he got out from the car.

"You alright?" I quizzed him.

"I've been better." He simply responded.

"Take my hand," I said entwining my fingers with him. I noticed his face flushing but I decided against saying anything. We walked about twenty feet up to Niall's home where we were quickly greeted with several familiar faces.

"Alex!" Niall spoke, clearly shit faced drunk. I let go of Harry's grasp to give Niall a hug. I noticed Charlotte was no where to be seen as my head went over Niall's shoulder. "Who's your friend?" He slurred.

"This is Harry, Liam said I could bring him."

"That doesn't sound like Liam." Niall laughed, regardless he pulled Harry into a hug as well leaving Harry wide eyed. "Make yourself at home. Drinks are in the kitchen."

I nodded taking Harry's hand again and leading him into the kitchen. There I noticed Charlotte sitting on the edge of the countertop swinging her legs over the edge taking a drag from some sort of drug I didn't want to be aware of.

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