Chapter Twenty One

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Chapter Twenty One

"Sweetheart, as much as I understand how you have to look good for this event we really must go," My Mom warned me peeking her head into my bedroom. I was putting in my pearl earrings as she walked in to examine my dress. "Aren't you going to be a bit cold?"

I shook my head looking down at the dress. It had a bra shaped bust with a sweetheart neckline. It was thin strapped but I still absolutley loved it and wouldn't want to downgrade it with one of my cardigans. I managed to salvage some white sandals from my summer clothing before my Mom put the rest up in the attic.

"Well, you look lovely." My Mom smiled. I had even curled hair and put it up in a little side bun on the side of my head allowing a few pieces to fall forewards. Charlotte had already sent me several photos of her dress with her matching black wedges that were taller than my head. She had also pinned her hair up in a tight top knot so it was out of her face. She truly did look gorgeous, but she always did.

"Is you're friend going?" My Mom questioned me sitting on my bed as I slipped on my sandals. I grabbed my brown bag from my bed side table and mercislessly placed a jacket in the bag. Conciously, I wished Harry'd be there so he could give me his plaid shirt again. But at the same time my mind scolded me for thinking so foolishly.

"What friend?" I replied sliding my bag onto my shoulder and tucking another piece of hair behind my ear.

"Harry's his name isn't it?" She said getting up from the bed again to open my door and motion for me to head downstairs. I could already hear my dad trying to figure out my Mom's polaroid.

"No, I don't think he's going."

"Isn't he some star artist of some sort?" My Mom said as we entered the kitchen. Benjamin was sitting on a stool by the island drawing something in his little notebook.

"How'd you know that?" I turned to look at her.

"I do talk to your teachers, you know." She laughed grabbing her purse. "She's mentioned loads about you two get along so lovely in class."

My cheeks turned a light shade of pink as Benjamin hopped down to grab my hand.

"Let's get a move on then," My Dad announced tucking the camera into his coat. My whole family was dressed nicely, my dad in a blue dress shirt and khaki's, my Mom in a patterned black and white dress, and my brother in his little sweatervest and pants. I followed my Dad towards the car and it felt nice to sit in the back seat of a car with my family. It was a bit nostaligic as I came to the realization of how little time I'd actually spent with them as a whole.

When we pulled into the school there were loads of cars near the front. A few balloon's were hung in the front with a small sign directing the students who were presenting art to go. I had kept my final piece in the art room and since  Harry hadn't talked to me the rest of the week it gave me plenty of time to finish.

"I'm gonna go find my painting, I'll meet up with you guys in the auditiorium. My Mom knodded at me as we parted ways. I went down the usual hallway I went down every morning before I passed my locker and finally reached the small wooden door that lead into the art studio. The lights were dimmed and only a few paintings were left on the tables yet to be retrieved. I did a quick scope around the room glancing for anything that looked like it could have been Harry's work but nothing even came close to what I'd seen in his room.

I walked towards the small wooden cubby's where my painting was and slowly pulled it out careful to not smudge anything in case it was still drying.

"Hey, Fray." I was startled as I felt a hand around my waste as I grabbed the painting. Unfortunately, it slipped from my fingers clattering to the ground face foreward.

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