Chapter Eighteen

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Chapter Eighteen

"Alex, its Bengie. Can I come in?" I heard Benjamin yell through the door. It was as if he didn't realize the doors were as thin as paper. I couldn't help but laugh to myself as I opened to a little boy with his hands covering his eyes in my doorway.

"Why're you covering your eyes, silly?" I laughed removing his hands from his face. He leaned down to pick up a tray filled with black and pink paint and smiled greedily.

"I thought you were changing," He said.

"Changing into what?" I looked down at my plain red and black flannel and leggings. I'd be lying if I said it wasn't a concious choosing from Harry as I picked my outfit out this morning. I knew I'd be seeing Harry tonight for trick or treating and I thought it would be funny to see his reaction. I still hadn't exactly worked out the fact Harry was coming along with my Mom but I'm sure if I got Bengie on board that would help her smooth out a bit.

"Mommy said you were being a cat." He pouted.

"She did, did she?" I said taking his hand and picking him up to place him on my bed.

"She said I could paint whiskers on your face and a pink nose and she had some cat ears down stairs."

"Could I be a cat in plaid?" I bargained.

He nodded sweetly. "Can I paint your face now?"

"Here," I lifted him up placing him on my swivel desk chair as I sat across from him on my bed. "Gentle, now." I laughed helping him dip the paint brush in his paint and bring it towards my face. I felt to the cold line of paint go out from my nose. After attempting at four whiskers on either side he got a huge glob of pink paint from the plate and dabbed it at my nose.

"You look funny," Bengie laughed.

"What're you being for halloween, mister." I said walking over towards my mirror to examine my face. "I bet you're gonna look funnier than me." It surprisingly wasn't as bad as I first sought it would. The lines were a bit wiggily but you could certaintly make it out that I was a cat.

"Batman." He responded placing the paints on my bed side table to join me at the mirror. "Do you like it?"

"Its lovely, Bengie." I smiled at him and bent down to his height. "Bengie, can I ask you a question?"

He nodded.

"How would you feel if Harry and Andy came along with us?" Right before Benjamin could respond I felt another presense enter the room.

"A Harry is in our living room," My Mother told me as nicely as possible seeing Benjamin was right next to me. "When were you going to tell me about this?"

"In about a minute actually." I admitted tucking a peice of hair behind my ear and placing my hand on Benjamin's back nudging him towards my mother.

"Go get your costume on and head downstairs so we can take pictures," My Mom spoke sweetly to my brother. Benjamin scurried out grabbing the paint on his way out and shutting the door behind him.

"That's three strikes, Alexandra. Next one you're out." She warned.

"By out you mean grounded for life?"

"It's a figure of speach, Alex." She sighed. "You could have atleast told me."

"You would have said no."

"Probably, but I'm not trying to be the mean lady. I just don't appreciate you sneaking things behind my back like this." She said. "Come here." She motioned for me to walk towards her as she opened her arms to give me a hug. "I'm sorry about cracking the whip lately. I knw you're a teenager and you need to make mistakes but its my job to minimize them as much as possible."

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