Chapter Twenty

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Chapter Twenty (Made it into the twenties guys!)

"Where you heading, Alex?" My Dad stopped me. He was sitting in the kitchen on his laptop like always responding emails for work. It was half past twelve and I was on my way out to pick up Charlotte. My Mom & Benjamin had gone out grocery shopping so I figured it was a golden moment to leave.

"Charlotte and I are going out," was all I said before grabbing my army jacket from the closet and slipping on my combat boots.

"Does your mother know?" He asked me taking of his glasses and rubbing his eyes.

"If I say yes, can I go?" I reasoned giving him a guilty smile.

"Where are you really going?" He asked me again slipping his glasses back onto his face.

"We're just going to the mall to buy a dress for the art show." I said grabbing my bag and slipping it on my shoulder.

"You couldn't have just said that in the first place?" He rolled his eyes giving me a small smile. "You can go, just make sure you're back before dinner."

"Thank you, Dad." I smiled kissing him on the cheek. "I'll see you tonight." He nodded before letting me leave. I checked my phone to make sure I'd get to Charlotte's in time noticing I had a missed call from Liam. I decided to call him back later so I simply slipped it back into my pocket and got into my car.

The drive to Charlotte's felt longer the usual. I hadn't been to her house in ages, it felt like years ago when we used to have little study parties nearly every friday night. I missed the day's where we actually told eachother everything. It was sad how distant we got since this year.

When I finally pulled into her driveway she was already waiting on her porch. She had one of her large brown winter coats on and a pair of jeans and her uggs on. She came towards my car knocked on the window for me to unlock it as she pulled on the door handle and allowed herself into my car.

"Ready to march with the penguins?" I mocked her watching as she unbuttoned her rather large parka. She peeled it off tossing into the back of my car along with a few empty bottles and a blanket.

"It feels like below zero." She huffed. "I'm surprised the snow hasn't fallen yet."

"Its nearly November," I replied rolling my eyes and pulling out of her driveway. Charlotte played with the radio until she settled on a top one hundred country station. I absolutley detested any sort of country song but I figured I'd stay quiet since now a days it was rare we had alone time.

"What kind of dress do you think you want?" Charlotte asked me tapping her fingers on the car window.

"I don't really know to be honest," I shrugged watching as we passed the school. They already had a small sign adverstising the art show by the front. There were very few cars, probably just a couple from janitors or office staff since it was after school."What about you?"

"Something thats gonna impress Niall." She spoke. "I can't remember the last time he's ever even called me pretty."

"You guys seemed to be getting pretty along in the movie theater," I quietly laughed to myself.

"You and Liam seem to be getting even better along and Niall's been my boyfriend for nearly two years now." She sighed leaning her head against the window, some sad and cheesy country tune had come on which certaintly wasn't helping the mood. "I can't remember the last time we've had sex." I nearly coughed on my own spit as she said those words. Charlotte was a pretty conservative girl,well besides her wild side when she was at partys. We never talked about things like sex, unless it was to make fun of another girl. Charlotte would sometimes make it into a joke as well, but we never seriously spoke to eachother about that side of our relationships.

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