Chapter Twenty Four

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Chapter Twenty Four

The next day lunch was sporting its usual awkward moments as I was compelled to sit with Harry more than ever. He was sat in his usual spot except this time without his sketch book, I don't know if that meant he was waiting for me to sit with him and have a chat. I noticed Liam and Charlotte sitting alone together at a table with their lunches. They weren't really talking, Charlotte seemed a bit off since Niall failed to show. He wasn't in several of my classes so I'd figured he'd gotten sick or something.

I walked past Harry for a moment leaning down to whisper that I had to clear the waters between Liam and I before I started flaunting myself around school with him, well something along those lines. Harry said he understood and simply told me to take a deep breath and stop worrying about him. I gave him a quick nod before heading towards Liam at his table. He looked up from his lunch once I'd reached the table behind Charlotte and she greeted me with a kind smile.

"We missed you at the art show." Charlotte pouted.

"Liam took me home," was all I replied before pulling out the seat next to Charlotte and sitting down.

"Miss Smith popped by." She began to say. "She said she was upset she missed you by a few minutes."

"I'll be sure to say a thank you in art class." I said opening my wrap sandwhich. Liam was staring over at me, as if waiting for me to say something.

"Am I sensing some tension?" Charlotte quizzed looking between us.

"Can you give us a minute?" I looked over at Charlotte. She nodded carefully before getting up from her seat to go throw out her trash I'd assumed.

"How was your weekend?" Liam asked looking back down at his food.

"Uneventful," Lies, I thought.

"Are things gonna stay like this?" Liam randomly blurted. "I mean like awkward and everything."

"Its only awkward if you make it awkward," I shrugged.

"Don't be such a middleschooler, Alex." Liam accused me.

"Liam, I just don't know how to feel right now, alright?" I replied my tone of voice getting a bit defensive. "Not that it matters, but, you're a lot more experienced than me and I don't think I'm ready quite yet for this." I motioned in between us.

"That's not what Charlotte said." He rolled his eyes.

"Could of guessed she'd tell you one day or another."

"Never really thought you'd have an interest in me, considering you're reputation boys wise."

"What do you mean my reputation?" I dropped my sandwhich giving him a disgusted look.

"Nothing, look Alex, if you're not interested, fine." He waved his hand. "Maybe you'll have a change in heart."

"Can we just start as friends again?" I asked shyly.

"Friends," He repeated. "Alright friend, how about you come to my last game of the season this friday? I'm sure that nice seat of yours court side will be nice and warmed up for you." I couldn't tell if he was being sarcastic as my eyes followed Charlotte's as she talked to a few girls in several tables over. "Alex," Liam waved his hand in front of my face trying to get my attention.

"Er," I composed myself looking back at him. "What about a compromise?"

"What do you have in mind?" He wondered taking another bite into his sandwich.

"I come support you at your game if you let me bring someone with me."

"Who's this someone you speak of?"

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