Chapter Thirty Seven

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Chapter Thirty Seven

"You're home late," My Mother chastized me as I walked in the door, soaked from the oncoming rain, may I add.

I really hoped Harry had gotten home alright. I felt awfully for the way I just stood him up and left in thin air right after he'd said he'd loved me.

Harry freaking Styles loved me.

As I replayed the words in my head my anger worsened towards Liam. Because of him Harry probably felt I didn't love him back. My head was so far deep in Liam's words I couldn't comprehend the fact of Harry actually holding such strong feelings for me.

Because of Liam and because of my beliefs that he could actually be right about Harry being for the worse I probably made Harry feel like absolute shit.

What if he was doubting himself?

"You look like you're thinking up an storm, Alex." My Mom laughed at me taking my bag from my shoulder as I slipped onto the seat of the island. I didn't know what to think. I wanted to scream at Liam for screwing up my one chance to actually express how I felt, it was gone. Because of Liam.

"Everything okay?" My Mom waved her hand in front of my face one last time as I thought about what I should do next.

"It will be." I responded slipping from the chair and reaching for my phone out of my back.

"Well before you go lock yourself in you bedroom. I'm taking Benjamin over to the school tonight for the derby race. As much as I know how much you'd love to see your brother race toy car's I'm sure you have loads of homework and college applications to work on." She looked at me as if making me feel even worse about the fact I'd been so far behind on school related subjects. "Your father won't be home until late but there's some left over pizza in the bottom drawer of the freezer."

I nodded.

"No friends over, you hear me?" She spoke sternly. "That means no Charlotte, no Harry, or anyone else in between those lines."

"When have I ever done you wrong. Mom." I rolled my eyes playfully. To be quite honest, I felt relieved I was going to have the house to myself.

No screaming brother, as much as I adored him, I could deal with whatever hole I'd dug myself into after this afternoon.

"Is everything going alright between you and Harry?" She wondered picking up a paper towel to wipe down the countertops as I was about to escape up into my bedroom.

"We're fine." I spoke, wishful hoping.

She nodded, "We'll be leaving in a few minutes." She added.

"Okay." I said before retreating quickly before she decided to say something else about my friends.

My phone had already been dialed on Liam's number by the time my things were settled on my bed, my door closed, and I was perched on my bathroom counter watching my face in the mirror.

My cheeks were red matching my lips as well. My eyebrows knit in a tight knot portraying my anger towards the boy through the phone.

"Took longer than I thought." I heard Liam's sultry voice through the phone.

"What the hell are you talking about?" I snapped my fingers rolling themselves over the top of my towel bar.

"Things end poorly with Harry?" He retorted.

"Quite the opposite actually." I crossed my arms, my voice becoming short and angered. "You're unbelieveable you know that? It's just you against the world, Liam. No one's backing you up. Not me, not Niall, not even Charlotte. You're so full of shit and you're never coming back up. Why can't you stand seeing other's happy for longer than nearly a few seconds? Do you just thrive on my unhappiness? You're a deprived, little, ignorant, bastard. That's what you are. You've nearly brainwashed every ounce of my being so that I lose my patience around Harry and overthink every god damn word that comes out of his mouth. But you know what Liam? Harry loves me, and I fucking love him and if that's not okay with you, I couldn't care any less than I do right now. You're barking up the wrong tree, Liam. It's time to back the fuck down." I breathed out after my long monologue against Liam. All I heard was his breathing for a few seconds. I don't know if that was a good sign because I left him speachless or he was just thinking of another rude and sadistic comment to twist and turn my arm more than it already was.

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