Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven

"So you didn't kiss him?" Charlotte gasped on the phone. I spun around in my desk chair nervously biting on my nails. It was Sunday night and I hadn't seen Liam in two days. I only heard a few texts saying how if my car wasn't fixed yet he would be more than happy to give me a lift. More importantly it had been two days since I'd seen Harry. There was something eating away at me, I wanted to know more about him even if it killed me.

"I just didn't feel it was the right time." I replied getting up from my chair and sitting on my bed staring at the window. My Dad had just pulled into the driveway from work and that probably meant dinner would be ready soon.

"Right time? You've been wanting that kiss since you were in eighth grade!" She nearly yelled into the phone. I overheard a male voice in the background and figured Niall was there with her.

"Is that Niall?"

"Don't change the subject, Alex." She snapped.

"I was just curious." I said. "Sheesh."

"Sorry," She sighed. "Yeah he is."

"Anywho, how was your friday night?" I questioned, not really curious, just eager to change the subject.

"Pretty good. I just went with the boys to celebrate at one of the players homes."

"Oh yeah Liam mentioned that they were going to do that. Something about lots of intoxicated boys?"

"Yep, that's the one." She giggled. "Niall quit it." I heard her laughing into the phone and some ruffles.

"You want some alone time, Mrs. Horan?" I mocked hearing my Mom call for me for dinner.

"Is that okay?"

"Yeah, I've got dinner any who."

"Alright, see ya tomorrow in art. Front row, please?"

"Maybe," I said.

I rushed downstairs to greet my Dad and sat next down to my brother to eat my dinner before I had to finish the rest of my homework.


School hadn't been all that horrible. Matter of the fact, Liam acted like nothing had happened. He still snaked his arm around my waist, walked me to some classes, and sat with me during lunch.

It wasn't until last period, art class, to be exact came around where I was finally excited to be doing something. Charlotte joined me at my locker to get some things before we walked to class together.

Harry was sat in the front row this time. My mind boggled at why all of the sudden he wanted to change seats. He was sat talking to Miss Smith, still angled towards the wall so no one could see his canvas.

Charlotte sat down and looked over towards Harry.

"You're sitting in Alex's seat."

"Charlotte, cool it, this isn't seventh grade." I said sitting on the opposite side of her.

Harry looked over towards me as I set up my canvas. I met his gaze and he quickly snapped his head back foreword.

"I think plaid boy is staring at you," Charlotte whispered to me as she brought out her canvas. She had painted some sort of pond with a few ducks in it. It wasn't great, but I knew the only reason she took this class was to be in a guaranteed class with me.

"His name is Harry." I said not even looking at her as I drew the nose on the face.

"Whatever. Don't you find it a bit weird that he looks at you all the time?"

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