Chapter Forty

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Chapter Forty (Eeek only about 5 more chapters!)

Harry's POV

Going back to school the next day was miserable.

I didn't get to hold Alex's hand.

I didn't get to kiss her forehead.

I didn't get to see her.

I walked the halls like a mindless ghost among souls who actually knew of their destination. I felt dead enough inside to be a ghost.

Period after period went by before I was heading to my last class of the day.

The one that hurt the most.

"Last class of the day," Miss Smith smiled at me shuffling through some papers at her desk. I was the first one in the room like always as I perched myself on my usual stool glancing over at the empty one next to me. "Everything alright?" She questioned me watching as I spaced off over a stool.

"Yes." I nodded. "I'm fine."

"Okay." She looked at me wearily. "Tell me if you need anything."

I nodded.

I walked over to the back closet, eyeing the canvas I'd worked on all year. It had slight black smudges from Liam's grimy hands on the sides.

I looked away grabbing the same blank one I'd stared at the whole time before ending things between Alex and I.

When I'd returned to my seat Charlotte's stuff lay at her usual stool two seats down from mine. She was speaking to Miss Smith and the only thing that caught my attention was when she'd said Alex's name.

I glanced over my canvas watching Miss Smith's composure as she nodded and gave her a sympathetic look. Charlotte turned around catching my stare and narrowed her eyes.

As if she had anything to be angry at me for.

Class went by slowly, all I did was lift up a paint brush with speckled white paint to the plain canvas in front of me.

I had no inspiration, no want or need to place anything on the canvas.

When the bell had finally rung I watched as Charlotte hung her things up and glanced at me once more.

"Stop it with the stares, Plaid boy."

Back to square one.

I put my blank canvas away where it once had been, taking one last look at my painted canvas and quickly placed it in my hands. I turned it around so it sat on its colored side facing my chest as I began walking to get my things.

"Art stays at school, Harry." Miss Smith warned me crossing her arms. "You should know that better than anyone else."

"Sorry." I mumbled. "Forgot."

I humbly returned it so that the unpainted side stay stared back at me and walked back out. Miss Smith was now gone and I was quite intrigued to go back and get it.

I wanted to take it home, I wanted it to stop reapearing in my head and haunting me every single day when I came to this god damn school.

I threw my bag over my shoulder and headed out the door to the right wing in order to head to my locker. My side clenched a bit seeing the bruises of Liams hit had still stayed to kick me all over again.

The nurse had instructed me to come see her during lunch every day so she could rebandaige me up so it could heal. My Mum and I weren't exactly in finanical means to start paying for some big doctors visit for my side so I decided to keep it on the downlow.

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