Chapter Thirty Two

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Chapter Thirty Two

The next morning I woke up sprawled on Charlotte's floor. My neck had an awful crook in it and I felt a drooling girl leaning her head on my abdomen. I searched around the room before gently removing Charlotte's head from my torso and back onto the ground. We were sitting in a pile of sleeping bags and pillows yet my head found its way so lean against the hardwood. I remembered falling asleep watching about the sixth disney movie together. It was nice to stop the fighting for a while and hang out like we used to.

Our friendship snapped back like a rubber band, surprisingly.

We were sat in her bedroom in front of her wide screen television that was still quietly playing in the background. I glanced at the alarm clock on her bedside table seeing it was only half past nine I quietly got up and searched for my socks and top that I apparently removed to change into one of Charlotte's old hand-me-downs in the middle of the night.

Once I found my top I removed Charlottes than replacing it with mine.

"Gone so soon?" I heard a voice mumble from the left corner of her room. I turned to see a confused Charlotte holding the top of the sleeping back to her face.

"I've got loads of course work and my Mom will freak if I'm not home soon." I reassured. "It was really nice, you know, getting back to old times." I smiled.

She stood up from the floor walking towards me and giving me a hug.

"It really was." She replied with a smile as well.

"By any chance do you know where my shoes are?" I giggled.

"Probably in the foyer." She laughed back. "I'll walk you out."

We both walked downstairs into the front of her house where my boots lay on the tiled floor. I slipped my heel inside feeling the warmth apart from her rather ill temperatured home.

"See you tomorrorow?" She spoke.

I nodded giving her one last quick hug before heading out the door. I glanced back to see her watching me through her window. I gave her a quick smile before reassuring myself that she was going to be alright. Truth be told, she looked ruined without Niall.

When I finally got into my car I noticed my phone sitting in the car seat which I had forgotten the day before. I quickly snatched it before seeing all the texts and missed calls from both my Mother and Harry.

Harry: Hope everything went alright. Can't blame me for being worried...

Mom: Where are you, Alex? I'd appreciate a call.

Harry: Andy's got some school thing tonight. Leaving my phone at home but text me when you can x


I quickly dialed my home number to warn my Mom of my whereabouts before I was to endure her wrath for about the eleventh time.

"Hello?" I heard my Dad's voice speak into the phone.

"Hi Dad, is Mom there?"

"The question is are you here?" He repeated. "Your Mother has been worried sick."

"I'm at Charlotte's." I sighed rubbing my forehead. "Its a long story."

"Spare me," He replied. "Here's your mother."

"Alexandra Fray, where the hell have you been?" I heard my Mother's panicked tone.

"Only if I was given a dollar everytime I heard you say that." I attempted at a joke. "I was at Charlotte's."

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