Chapter Thirty Nine

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Chapter Thirty Nine

Alex's POV

"Alex, shouldn't have you already left?" My Mother faintly spoke pushing on my side. I turned to face my window shutting my eyes to bare myself from the light. My eyes were peeled closed by the sleep that formed from the tears that I had lost last night. I don't know why I cried, I didn't want too. After Harry had sent me that text I couldn't help but feel the guilt that something huge happened to him. Something huge enough that would completey damper a relationship that seemed to be on cloud nine nearly the day before.

"I don't feel well." I groaned as my Mom pushed on my side again.

"You look just fine." I turned around to see my Mother with her arms crossed, her eyebrows knit in confusion.

"I don't feel fine." I retorted sitting up in bed and trying to play off my most sick face. As much as I wanted to work it out with Harry on why he all of the sudden had become so distant it scared me. He'd never been so cross with me then the way he'd spoken to me last night. It was as if I saw a completley different person in front of me.

"Let me take your temperature then."

"Its not that sort of sick." I defended.

"What's wrong then?'

"I just feel poorly."

"Is it something at school?" She asked me sitting on the edge of the bed and focusing on my face intently. "Are you having a problem with Charlotte?"

I shook my head.


"I don't know." I truthfully responded.

"Well, I'm not going to sit here and wait for you to find out." She sighed. "As much as it pains me to send my daughter to school, you need to go." She patted my hand once giving me a small smile. "I'll drive you, I'm heading to work anyway."

"Okay." I reassured her slipping out of bed to make my way towards my closet.

Second period was already half way done by the time I'd made it to school. I felt nausious walking into art class that morning. Charlotte sat two seats down from Harry. They weren't speaking.

Harry sat there in solitude with a new canvas. It wasn't all marked up like the one he'd been working on all year, it was blank, just like his stare.

"Alex, hi." I heard Miss Smith greet me as she came over to take my pass from my hand.

Charlotte turned around to give me a look. It wasn't a smile, but it wasn't rude either.

"Hey." I simply stated sitting in between the two. I didn't know whom I'd directed it to, I just wished one of them would respond.

"Hi." Charlotte said. "Where were you?"

"Slept in." I shrugged.

She nodded putting her attention back to her painting. I glanced over at Harry who tried to keep his attention straight foreward, although failed quite obviously as he caught my gaze.

"Hi." I shyly spoke trying to keep his contact.

"Hello," He coldly repied. It felt as if another wall was built up in between us. There was no longer sarcastic remarks, no longer smiles and laughs, just a blank stare behind a blank canvas.

It wasn't long until my taunting thoughts were ended by the sound of the bell. I stalked behind Harry following him into the little rack where we hung our paintings as he placed his blank paper on the edge of the rack. I gently pulled on his arm trying to get him away from the crowd of other students.

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