Chapter Forty One

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Chapter Forty One

Alex's POV

(Sorry I keep switching POV's but since they're apart it's hard to show you guys what they're both going through if they're not together. Hope it's not too confusing! xoxo)

"You think you're up for school today?" My Mom spoke to me as I sipped on my black coffee. She gently rubbed her hand over my shoulder blade giving me a warming smile.

"I think I'm ready." I nodded taking another gulp of my drink. "Liam said he'd drive me home from school today because we're going over to his after school. I-is that okay?" I asked realizing I hadn't even ran it by her.

"Liam?" She cocked her eyebrow lifting the top of our coffee machine to make herself some. "Didn't know you two were still hitting it off."

"Mom, we're just friends." I rolled my eyes. "He just said he felt poorly for how I was feeling so he wanted to get my mind off of things to you know, do something fun."

"Mhm," She nodded. "Yeah, I get it."

"I note the sarcasm," I playfully groaned hopping from the island and placing my empty coffee mug into the sink.

"You're home by dinner, yeah?"

"Yeah, okay." I spoke.

"Listen," She stepped foreward holding my chin between her thumb and third finger. "Make sure to stop by the nurse's to get that absense of yours cleared up. After all, you weren't sick."

"What am I supposed to say? My boyfriend dumped me so I welled in my sadness for a day, sorry."

"Make up something," She patted my back. "You're good at that aren't you?" She gave me a half smile as memories of sneaking from Harry's window flooded back into my head. I had to physically shake my head to remove the momentos as I headed back up stairs to get dressed.

When first arriving at school the parking lot felt crowded as usual and I felt even more exhuasted. Seeing all the smiling faces of my classmates as they talked with their friends made me feel even gloomier than before.

Luckily I skipped out on an awkward run in with Harry as I made it towards my locker.

Liam was surprisingly perched against my locker talking with Charlotte as she pulled some supplies from her own locker.

"Hey, there she is." Liam smiled putting his arm out as in to offer me a hug. It was odd. Surreal, almost. We'd nearly been in a complete cat fight with eachother then all of the sudden since Harry was removed from the picture Liam was all up and ready again.

I ignored his gesture and opened my locker to get my things.

"How're you feeling?" Liam asked me again.

"Better," I nodded.

"We still on for tonight?"

"If you'd like." I smiled placing one binder into my bag. I noticed Charlotte giving me a look from the side as I let Liam know I had to stop by at the nurse and that I'd see him later.

Fortunately, he obligued as Charlotte followed closely behind me, hot on my heels.

"On for tonight?" She mocked Liam. "What?"

"He just asked me to hang out afterschool." I rolled my eyes at her overreaction.

"Alex, honey, I love you, you know that." She placed her hand on my lower back. "But you're hurting, and meddling with Liam again is not the way to heal it."

"Charlotte." I pushed her hand away. "It's about time you stop giving me you're god damn opinion that I didn't ask for."

She looked back at me with a shocked look as I stopped in front of the nurses door.

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