Chapter Forty Three

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Chapter Forty Three

Alex's POV

I spent the next week sluggish as hell. Charlotte and I spoke very little to none. Art class felt like worse and worse as the day's rolled on and I was thanking god christmas vacation was rolling around. The only horrible part was all the work. The semester was coming to a close and the work load was through the roof. You could say my motivation was pretty low and after just sending in all my college applications (only about two) I was terrfied I was going to get sent back two big fat no's. These day's I was lucky to be passing with a C.

I spent the day's silent and mostly by myself, although still eating lunch with Charlotte, we barely spoke. Right when I got home I'd head straight to bed, disregarding any classwork I may have been assigned. My Mother definetly picked up on the trend since she'd attempted at getting me to hang out with Benjamin more. She'd asked me to even bring him to the park at one point to go sledding, that made things definetly worse.

It wasn't the fact Harry was no longer in my life it was my mental state. It was the fact I knew I had in fact been at fault for everything thats happened in my life. There was no where to hide, no one to blame.

My Mom tried to convince me to go and get the christmas tree with them, I stayed home and lied in bed. I never did anything specific, usually just sat there, stared up at the ceiling, or thought about anything. I thought about my childhood and the past few months. I thought about leaving. I thought about getting away and never coming back.

It was nearly the day before christmas, I only had two more day's of class where I could spend a whole two weeks recovering from the past four months.

My daily routine of slugging from class to class went on until last period had finally rolled by.

I sat in Calculus, numb, and trying to pay attention to whatever my teacher was telling me. Just trying to focus made my head ache worsen.

My teacher instructed the class to pair up, instead I sat in my seat and stared at the clock.

"Time will pass, but will you?" My Teacher stepped foreward tapping his hand on my desk.

"Sorry, what?" I blinked a few times glancing at him. He gave me a concerned look glancing down at my blank notebook after his half hour long lecture.

"Alex, you're barely scraping through this class." He warned me. "You do know that right?"

"I'm aware." I nodded glancing back at the clock seeing we still had nearly twenty minutes left of class. "I've got a lot going on."

"Although I'm not aware of whatever's going on in your life, I'm here as your teacher to give you an education. I apoligize for whatever's been keeping you distracted but I need you to start putting in some effort." He kneeled down next to my desk. "I know it's the ending of the marking point, but maybe starting next semester we can start on the right foot and you can come in for some extra help, yeah?"

"Could I go to the nurse?" I interrupted him completely ignoring his words.

"Write up a pass." He sighed standing up and handing me a peice of paper.I scribbled down my name and the time and he signed it for me and sent me on my way.

Truth be told, I didn't really need to go to the nurse I just felt like I was going to lose all my sanity if I spent another minute in that class.

I took the liberty to stop at my locker, gather my things, and head to the front of the school in waiting for the bell to ring.

I pulled at my phone seeing Niall had actually texted me.

From Niall: Won't be at school tomorrow, heading off to Florida with my parents. I hope you have a really great Christmas, I'll see you in the new year :) x

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