Chapter Forty Two

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Chapter Forty Two

Alex's POV

"Hey Alex, are you alright?" I heard Niall pull himself up next to me in the hallway as I tried to get to Calculus as quick as possible. I was already late since Charlotte took about most of the morning trying to get out any details of going to Liam's. To say the least, I couldn't have said anymore than it went fine. She was right, she was right all along, and I didn't want to give her the right to parade about it. Well, I know she wouldn't parade about the fact he'd nearly tried to have sex with me, but inside she'd be clapping for herself. That's just what Charlotte did.

"I'm fine, stop asking me that." I looked at him. It felt as if in the past week all I've heard from people were them consoling me or attempting at making sure I was still getting on with my life. And I was. My heart hurt, and my chest stung but in the long run I knew the world had to go on. It wasn't god's duty or whoever made this world continue to keep me happy. Just because I was sad doesn't mean the whole world had to be.

"You nearly collapsed on my front lawn, don't yell at me for seeing if you're alright." He threw back at me. That comment instantly made me feel sour for even chastising him. Niall hadn't been anything but nice to me and all I was doing was being a down right asshole back.

"I know." I sighed. "I'm sorry."

"It's alright, Champ." He tried to smile wrapping his arm around my side and pulling me a bit closer to him. "Next time, before you think that heading off to Liam's is the best option after you've nearly had your heart shreaded. Come talk to me. I think a nice movie night with your pal Niall should suffice rather than getting down with allstar Liam Payne."

I couldn't help but laugh.

It wasn't a small laugh, it was a loud and obnoxious one that lead kids to turn their head looking for the sound emitting from between my lips. I wasn't laughing at the joke Niall had attempted at making, I was laughing at the irony. The irony of how sane I'd been all this time steering myself in the right direction, away from Liam, and finally coming to the realization he was an absolute creep. Then right as my only orbit, the only thing directing my sanity nothing but up had disappeared, I ended up with the one person whom I'd been avoiding all along.

"I didn't know I was that hilarious," Niall chuckled stopping outside my Calculus door. I noticed my teacher calling out rollcall signaling that I should probably get my butt in there sooner or later.

"It's just ironic, you know?" I sighed again. "I think I'm done with everything for a while. I've been so caught up in what I'm doing next or who with, matter of the fact, that I've completely lost my sanity."

"I couldn't understand you more." He knodded. "Maybe Harry wasn't all for the better in the end?" He shrugged.

"Is that what you think?"

"Is that what you think?" He repeated back at me.

"All I know is he didn't think I was worth enough to be even fought for." I said. "Whatever turned him away from a relationship with me apparently wasn't worth ever facing against. And for that, I thank my lucky star's for ending it while it could." I continued. "As much as it hurts to say this, but he broke up with me. There's nothing I can do about it, and as much as it hurts, in the end whatever happened, happened for a reason."

"I'd like to think that reason wasn't good enough to break up with someone as great as you, Alex." He complimented giving me a small smile. "Keep doing what you're doing, Harry'll realize his battle wasn't as tough as a loss as he thought."

"Thanks, Niall." I replied. He reached his arms out pulling me into his chest wrapping his arms tightly around my waist. I kept my chin tucked into his shoulder as he squeezed me once tightly. "When did you become such a sap?" I giggled letting go of his body.

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