Chapter Thirty Eight

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Chapter Thirty Eight

Harry's POV

The next week at school had been complete bliss. Being around someone who made me so incredibly happy, well happier than I'd been since my Dad had left, was amazing. Charlotte had been surprinsingly civil and Alex and I contiued are usual schedual. Eating with eachother at lunch, walking to art together, and going to work after school.

Knowing art was last period I was preparing my things getting ready for the bell as Miss Smith attempted at keeping us in our seats. It was last period, there was no way that was happening.

"You're working tonight right?" I overheard Charlotte question Alex as she slipped some papers into a folder. She glanced up once to keep eye contact with me as she noticed me listening into their conversation.

"Harry would know better than me," She giggled standing up and wrapping an arm around my torso.

"Let me rephrase that question." She rolled her eyes playfully. "Do both of you have work tonight?"

"Yes." I chuckled wrapping my other arm around Alex and pressing a swift kiss to the top of her temple.

"PDA, love birds." Miss Smith teased. We both knew she didn't really have a problem with it, she just enjoyed making the two star pupils of the class embarassed. "You can keep your activities to yourself, away from my eyes."

Alex laughed loudly at Miss Smith's comment as I glanced down watching her shut her eyes in laughter. I squeezed her side lightly smiling as she laughed and pulled her closer to my side.

"I'm with Miss Smith on this one." Charlotte retorted stuffing some supplies into her bag.

Only if they knew the half of it.

It seemed as if Alex and I were thinking the same thing as she looked up at me with a sly smile knowing what we had just done the weekend before.

I had been with other girls before, there was no beating around that. As cliche as it sounded it was different with Alex. Seeing she hadn't been with any guy before me made it seem like I had some sort of override on her that no other guy would ever have.

I was her first, always have been, always will be.

The bell rang interrupting are conversation as I bid my goodbye's with Alex telling her I'd meet her in the parking lot of the diner before work. We'd both agreed to catch up on some homework afterwards and get something to eat as well once our shift ended.

I went towards my wing of the building wafting around people in order to not hit anyone.

A few bumps in the arm later and my books almost falling on the ground I made it safely to my locker.

I quickly punched in my combination into my lock and pulled it down revealing my locker filled with books I was definetly unenthused to read.

I filled my bag with what I needed before slinging it over my shoulder and slamming the locker shut. Pushing my hair back inbetween my fingers and taking a few steps around the lockers towards the front door I made my way back to the student parking lot.

"Hey Harry," I heard a light girls voice behind me.

I turned around to see Charlotte holding her purse on her shoulder giving me a look as in she really needed me.

"Hi." I spoke pulling my bag a little bit more up on my shoulder.

"Could you help me with something?" She wondered. "I'm really confused on this concept for art and I'm sure Alex wouldn't mind if you were a few minutes late to work."

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