Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight


"Hey Mum, I'm home." I called when I got inside. I tossed the keys on the kitchen counter as Andy ran into the living room turning on the television.

"Hey kiddo, you gotta finish your homework before TV." I said prying the remote from her hands. She stuck her tongue out at me pulling her back pack onto her shoulders and walking into her room. I kissed my Mum on the cheek as I walked into the kitchen and hopped onto the kitchen counter.

"How was school, darling?"

"Pretty boring." I shrugged.

"You were at the park for some time, I would've sworn you'd gotten yourself lost." My Mum laughed putting away some grocery's. She still had her uniform from the diner she worked at.

"We went out for some ice cream afterwards."

"Great, now our little one's going to be on a sugar high for hours." She chuckled.

"How was work?" I said.

"Exhausting. I guess that's what you get for being a single Mum," She sighed.

"Don't worry, it'll get better soon, Mum. You'll get that job at the editing company." I smiled reassuringly. "I know it."

"I hope you're right, Harry." She gave me a quick hug before continuing putting away the grocery's.

"I've got some course work to do so I'm gonna finish that up before dinner." I heard my Mum mumble an okay before I retreated into my bedroom. As I shut the door one of my paintings fell from the wall almost nailing my foot. I quickly caught it before hanging it back up and admiring the painting.

I tossed my bag on my bed and laid down shutting my eyes for a minute.

As much as I tried that stupid smile kept showing up in my head. Her big brown eyes and curly brown hair made me weak in my knee's. She asked too many questions but somehow after every question I wanted her to ask me more.


After school the next day I decided to stay after with Miss Smith to help her finish painting a mural inside her class room. It gave me some extra class time to finish my painting so I figured - why not?

"Hey, Harry? Could you pass me the green." I nodded and grabbed the green paint can placing it right underneath the ladder that stood next to the mural. "So hows the painting coming along?"

"What painting?" I said as I filled in one of the wave drawings on her wall.

"The one you continue to paint through whilst ignoring me in class."

"Oh," I scratched at the back of my neck. "That one."

"How's it coming along?" She asked again.

"Its coming." I simply replied.

"You know I haven't had an art student like you in a very long time." She gushed coming down from her ladder.

"Hm," I said washing a brush. "Why's that?"

"Most kids in my class would be gushing to me how great a piece comes out but you, you just sit there behind that canvas of yours quiet as can be and don't mumble a word. I know the potential you have."

"I don't really have anything to gush over." I shrugged. Going over to the trays of paintings to grab mine out. I placed is on my aisle and grabbed a few paint colors.

"You keep telling yourself that," Miss Smith laughed going to her desk to pull some papers out to finish the mural.

It wasn't until about thirty minutes later where a familiar brunette girl walked into the room with her bag strung from her shoulder. Her eyes caught my gaze rather quickly as she retreated to Miss Smith's desk to talk to her in quiet. I continued to study her as she placed her hands by her side in an awkward motion.

She had black sweatpants on and a pink colored sweatshirt that looked like she'd just been on a run. She walked by me grabbed her painting she'd been working on and sat at one of the stools close by to me.

"What're you doing here?" I blurted.

"What're you doing here?" She repeated.

"Are we always going to do this?" I said continuing to focus on my painting.

"If you must know, I'm behind on my painting due to other classes so I'm here to catch up." She said dropping her bag and taking off her sweatshirt revealing a plain white tank top. I'd be lying if I said my face didn't turn a ghastly color of red. "You're turn."

"I am too," I blurted a bit to obviously fast.

"Yeah right. What're you really doing here?" She asked me.

"That's for me to know and for you to never find out."

"You're such a child," She rolled her eyes continuing on her painting.

After about another hour of working in silence we both told Miss Smith we were heading home. I may have purposefully left at the same time as her. But as she waited for me at the door to put away my painting I knew she had the same idea in mind.

"What're you painting?" She asked me.

"A painting." I said walking down the hall with her.

"Wow, I couldn't have guessed." She rolled her eyes at me. "Why're you so secretive about it? No, let me restate that. Why are you so secretive about everything?"

"Why do you ask so many questions?"

"Because you don't answer them." She simply responded.

"You're clever, you know that?" I grinned turning to her. She cracked a smile walking by my side. We walked in silence for a few moments, knocking hands a few times making my cheeks flush.

When we got to the parking lot we parted until I saw her break into a run.

"Are you running home?" I called out to her, slightly confused.

"Got a better idea?" She teased, slowing down. I rolled my eyes.

"Come on." I waved to her towards my car. She put her sweatshirt back on before getting in my car. I took of my green and black flannel tossing it in the back and putting the key in the ignition.

"Where do you live?" I asked her. She simply stated the address as I pulled into her driveway in silence. It was a quick 5 minute ride to a rather large home. It had to be at least three floors with two large balcony's. I mean I knew she was well off, but not this well off.

"This is it," She said to me. "Thanks for the ride."

I nodded.

"I'll see you tomorrow?" She said again.

I nodded.

"Okay," She practically said to herself, I could hear a slight sigh in the tone of her voice. I couldn't help but think she was urging me to say something but I just couldn't find the words to say as she walked up her driveway and disappeared into her house just like that.

Author's Note:

Sorry its a bit short, and sorry I forgot to update yesterday like I'd promised. Junior year is insanely busy and I have no excuses for that. On top of SAT's, ACT's, college searching, keeping my grades up, and attempting at having a social life I'm pretty much exhausted and the last thing I want to do is write tons of chapters.

Any who, love you all.

New Update will probably be Wednesday or Sunday depending on everything.

Love always,

Meredith xoxo

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