Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter Thirteen

The ride to the super market seemed longer than usual. The road seemed the same for the longest time. My Mother had sent me on grocery runs several times in the past but everytime I always ended up feeling the need to fall asleep at the wheel.

It was one of the farthest places in our town minus the mall which was in two towns over. See, we lived in a small town that didn't have much to it besides a main road and a few outreaching unpaved streets. Regardless, I made my way towards the supermarket deciding to play some Nikki Minaj to keep myself awake.

Half way through the ride I had gotten a text message from my mother requesting I get something just for myself because Bengie's friend had insisted they come back for dinner at his house. I was sorta relieved I saved myself the time in the normal line and now I could just go through self check out.

I felt a small weight lifted off my shoulders as I pulled into the large lot across the street from some of the larger shops. The bright lights showed greatly through the darkness regardless of the time. Considering October was upon us the days were much shorter than my liking and my days at the park would soon be coming to a rest.

I grabbed my bag from the passengers seat and grabbed my key from the egnition to then stuff it into the front pocket of my bag. I headed to the front doors and went straight towards the frozen pizza section.

Searching through whether I should get pepperoni or vegetable style I felt another body come close to mine.

"Interesting choice, Alexandra." Hearing my full name be spoken the only conclusion could be the curly haired boy the stood next to me. His sunglasses were perched on his forehead as he held an identical pizza to mine.

"Didn't peg you as a vegetarian pizza boy."

"Touché," He smirked.

"Harry I got the ice cream," I heard Andy's voice holler from behind me. I turned to see the smiling girl with a large vat of chocolate ice cream in her hands. I turned back to look at Harry with a disapproving eye and he just shrugged.

"Hey its Alex," Andy waved at me. "She's the one who makes you turn into a tomato." Andy continued to blab on as Harry placed his hand over her mouth trying to nudge her behind him.

'Tomato, yeah?" I mocked placing the pizza underneath my arm.

"Goodbye, Alex." I couldn't help but notice how his face was turning that ungodly color of red. He pulled Andy along with him trying to get away as soon as possible.

"Wait, Harry." I said. "I've got a bone to pick with you."

"That bone can wait," He said without even turning around. I rolled my eyes trying not to grin like an idiot as I made my way to the self checkout.

Soon after I was already on my way home ready to eat my pizza.

When I arrived all the lights were off except for the small desk lamp in my Dad's office. I flicked on all the switch's putting my pizza down on the island and tossing my bag onto the couch. It was about half past six and I was staring.

I started the oven and tore off the pizza cover to reveal the vegetable filled pizza. I unwrapped the plastic to place it on the pan to put it into the oven.

As I waited for the pizza to cook I made myself a typical black coffee and perched myself in the living room to catch up on some TV.

Right as I sat down I felt my phone vibrate over and over again signalling that someone was calling. I quickly pulled it from my pocket examining the caller to see it was Liam.

I hesitantly pressed the green button and lifted the phone to my ear.

"Hi Liam," I spoke into the phone.

"Caller ID's a bitch for anonymous calls," He mocked.

"And what do I owe this secret call for?" I played along.

"I've got a bit of a proposition for you."

"Whats that?" I asked twirling a piece of hair around my finger.

"There's this party this friday." He started.

"Ah, one of those big ones with load of wasted boys?'

"Better." He lead on. "Stoned boys too."

"Lovely," I joked hearing the alarm on my oven signaling my food was ready.

"You got a burglar or something?" Liam said.

"Huh?" I questioned trying to juggle the phone on my shoulder. "Oh the alarm, no my pizza's just ready." I laughed. I got the pizza from the oven and placed it on the counter letting it cool down.

"So is that a yes?" Liam asked again.

"Is what a yes?" I was sincerely confused forgetting about the party momentarily.

"The party, silly."

"Oh, um , thats a maybe, and thats a can I let you know?"

"What's holding you back Fray?" Liam said.


"Nothing, can I bring a friend?" I wondered. Why did I even think Harry would possibly ever step a foot into a highschool party when he wouldn't even go to a school organized basketball game.

"Charlotte's already going." He spoke.

"No a different friend," I replied.

"Oh, um." He seemed a bit caught of guard. "Yeah, more the merrier, I guess."

"Great. Then I'll get back to you on that before the party." I said trying to hurry along the conversation as my stomach growled.

"Okay, Alex. See you tomorrow in school then." I could hear the worry in his voice as I quickly bid my goodbyes and tucked my phone into my pocket to cut up my pizza.

Why did I think Harry would ever agree to go to a party with me in a thousand years?

Author's Note:

Who thinks Harry will agree to the party?

Next Update Sunday xoxo

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