Chapter Thirty Six

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Chapter Thirty Six

"Hey, Champ." I heard a blond headed boys voice emerge from behind me.

"Damn it, Niall." I yelped holding my hand to my chest as he scared me. I nearly dropped all my books to the floor as Niall helped me lift them back into my grasp. He gave me an apoligetic look but seemed as if he had some really important news to tell me.

"Did Liam speak to you?" He questioned me lowering his voice a bit. It was nearly last period and I knew at this point I was going to be late for class so there wasn't really a reason I couldn't spend a few moments talking to Niall.

"He did." I replied.

"What'd he have to say?"

"Did he not tell you?" I cocked my eyebrow, knowing Liam he'd probably made the whole thing up using Charlotte as back ups when they weren't even aware of it.

"He just mentioned he needed to catch up on some things." He shrugged. "He didn't touch you, did he?"

"No." I shook my head swallowing some dryness out of my throat. Liam had hardly touched me,matter of the fact, I laid a nice slap on his face that was worth more than him ever laying his hand on me.

"He'd come in showing off a nice bruise on his cheekbone." He spoke. "Said he'd run into his kitchen cabinet but I didn't believe him."

"He didn't hit me, Niall." I reassured him craining my neck as in to show him that I was completey a - okay.

"Was it about Harry?"

"No, it was about football." I rolled my eyes. "Yes, it was about Harry. What else would he blab to me about?"

"What's he said now?" He crossed his arms leaning against my locker. The bell had gone off signaling for the late kids to get to class but I figured Miss Smith wouldn't mind if I simply told her I was running late after a test.

"He gave me a warning." I said. "He told me I'd be better off with him because he said Harry's too different for me and that he's just gonna end up breaking my heart and that he's changing me too much. He said I'd become a black hole to him. He said it as if he was doing me a favor of some sort." I laughed at the thought of Liam actually doing something nice for me. Everything and anything he ever did anymore was just for his own benefit.

"Too different?"

"I guess he figured since Liam, you , Charlotte, and I had been a tight little knot since ninth grade that we'd practically grown up into a separate world. Little does he know there are other students in this school besides his big ego."

Niall laughed at that, "He's just making up a big load of bullshit because he's jealous. Don't blame yourself for being the highlight of Liam's wants and needs."

"I don't understand why he's so hung up on me." I sighed. "I guess you're right. I needed that after acting so quietly around Harry yesterday. It was as if I actually thought he was right."

"He's not, I promise." He smiled placing his hand on my shoulder.

"He's just a jealous bastard." I giggled pushing away the sad thoughts from my mind. My chest felt a bit better after realizing how naive I felt for actually listening to Liam.

"A jealous bastard who deserved that slap."

"How'd you-?"

"You've got quite the hot head below all that hair, Alex." He grinned at me. "Didn't take too long to add it all up." He chuckled.

My cheeks reddened a bit at the fact I'd actually left a mark on him. Despite the embarassment I was happy to get him back some sort of way.

"We've better get to class." I mentioned.

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