Another Adventure??

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We all left the Tardis to go explore we were on Earth 2010 we had gone to the Highlands, Scotland we had landed near a farm it was quite beautiful the views from above the hills, I didn't know how this was gonna go but another adventure. 

We had headed up to the farmhouse and Yaz had asked what the weird statue looking thing was we had all turned to the Statue it was very weird it had three heads and didn't look very human like.

The Doctor went up to it and yelled at us all to stand back she then soniced it and turned to us all and sighed "Oh it's okay granted it's not a weeping Angel but this also is bad it seems to have some energy on it but it's not alive no need to worry gang well it is alien but not an alien just alien technology ", I just looked at her, Ryan had asked the Doctor a question "What's a weeping angel?", he asked.

"Oh yes well erm statue when you look at it and here is the brilliant thing but not so brilliant hate them absolutely not a great thing to come by once you turn from them or even blink they will get you", she explains

"Oh", says Ryan, "Well i'm for one glad it ain't a weeping angel", I admit not wanting to come into contact with such weird sounding statues.

"Hello, Hello who are yous?", asks a young man. He had came out of nowhere with a young woman confused looks to where we came from.

"Oh Hi", says the Doctor waving her hand at them "I'm the Doctor and these are my friends my fam oh, should I stop saying that?", she asks. Graham replies "Yes Doc you should", he laughs and so do I.

"Right well as I was saying I'm the Doctor this is J, Yaz Ryan and grandpa Graham", the Doctor laughs at her own joke but Graham just looks at her she smiles and sticks her tongue out at him like a child.

"Okay Doctor but why are you here how did you get here?", says the man looking over his shoulders as if he was hiding something very important.

"Right well hills Scotland highlands good place to be?" the Doctor said but before she got a reply "Right then so what is your names?", she asks.

"Oh i'm not sure we should say", says the man "You are strangers and trespassing on our farm", he said.

"Well, you see names names are always good and Trespassing are we oh sorry didn't know thought it was just a random farm you know could walk around see the views and all", the Doctor rambled I thought to myself does she know what a farm is they are always owned we should not really be able to just walk around someones farm right?

"Yes trespassing on Timpsons farm, okay this is my wife Claire and i'm Phil we own this place you really should get going", he says pointing the direction out long walk and definitely in the other direction of the Farm.

"Right and the Statue is that yours as well?", I asked the Doctor turned to me and Smiled "Good question well Phil Claire is it?", she then asks as well.

"Sorry Ma'am may you please leave our land don't question the Statue", he says as his eyes start to glow a weird Green his wife her eyes also start to glow

"Urm Doctor I think it's time to go", says Graham "I agree", says Ryan.

"Oh no no no no, look at this they oh that makes sense wait what type of farm is this?", she turns to question the people with glowing eyes "Cows milk we send milk out and and", he cuts off and turns around and walks towards the farm I hesitate as I start to follow "Well come on he obviously wants us to follow right?", I said and the Doctor tells me to stop.

"No we won't follow, The statue we have to break it it's holding them inside those people, these are not just people you see that Statue is a Creating creation it allows the Flyers to entire any species they wish bad bad device hidden within a Statue, now these people are not dead so if we can get rid of the statue and the Flyers will leave the source they need the Statue", as she heads over to it and Starts to Sonic the man was not pleased.

"No, do not DO NOT TOUCH THAT", His voice got deep and different it sounded rather creepy the Doctor just looked to us and said "We have to destroy this now", as she picks up a hammer that was randomly behind her she starts to hit the statue as this horrible sound came from the people as the lights in their eyes started to fly out and form its own body they people had fallen as if they become jelly and they fell. However, the creatures that left their bodies screeched and screeched over and over as the Doctor destroyed the Statue "Now listen to me you will leave this planet and never again enter here", she says.

One of the creatures laughed "You will never be able to stop what we have already started to do these people they will be gone and the people in the next villages will all die in the matter off days when they get their milk delivery it will be going out rather soon and you can't get there fast enough to stop them", it screeched and laughed at the same time? They had then left they turned into a mist and flew away.

The Doctor realised what was going on she rushed over to one of the people and asked Phil if he knew what it meant he nodded and said "The milk will be going out I can phone the guy we have to deliver he will bring them back to the house what have they done to the milk?", the Doctor helped him up as he pulled out his phone "Not sure but can't risk it getting anywhere if they are telling the truth we have to destroy the milk", she said he looked at her.

"But our reputation will be gone we will be out of business if we find out anything has happened to the milk", he was worried and looked to his wife she had started to get up. "Don't worry we will fix that we will make your suppliers tell them that they will get the milk next month right? And then we will right this from history so no one will know your farm will still be up and running", she smiles "A month we can do that we will come up with something", says his wife as she smiled at her brother he smiled back. "Okay", he said.

"Right well.. Let's save the people and the farm shall we?", I said.

The Doctor nodded and the man phoned his delivery man the milk arrived and the Doctor scanned it all she said to she will take it all and destroy it, so we helped her put it back into the Tardis a room just for the milk apparently it was very very bad. But she would not tell us what was in it she told the people that it was very good that it never went out it would have killed people. What a couple of hours this has been, straight Into action there at least we didn't have to do some running around before we found out what was going on, however after we left we gotten to a planet filled with those statues so off we go saving this planet from these creatures, unless this is there home planet the Doctor has not yet said she looks rather worried, but off we go.

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