The Space Station?

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J had gone home for a few days, she was sitting with her mum and siblings when she saw something on the news, she can't remember what it was but she grabbed her phone put it in her pocket and went up to the window.

"Mum?" She says to her mother.

"Yeah?" Her mum replies munching on her favourite chocolate audibly from the couch.

"What did the news just say?" J asks.

"Something about the space station" Her mum replies.

"Is that the space station?" She asks her mum unsure as she's never actually seen the space station before or asked the Doctor to show her it. But this was coming down fast, faster than ever should be.

Her mum got up and looked out the window "What colour is that?" she asks as all she saw was the shape as she is blind after all, so it was a blurry shape she saw.

"It's silver grey with flashing lights, that can't be it right?" She asks

"No it can't get your sister in now," Her mum says as she rushes to tell her sister to come in and she does so.

It was never the Space station it was a space ship but J doesn't realise this till after.

"Phone your Pa?" Her mums asks "Or your ma?" she says knowing that's what J calls her birth parents.

J is lucky she has her birth parents and her Mum, her Dad however was never around, he was an alcoholic that was never there for her or her siblings, though the younger sister had a different father two her two other siblings, and even though he's not her birth father she still thinks of him as her dad even though he's never been there but she's lucky her mum and her siblings were.


J was standing looking out the window after her sister was asking why she had to come in.

"Jam?" Her other sister says.

"Yeah?" J turns around.

"Do you think it's aliens coming to kill us?" She asks J.

"No I don't I don't think so I hope not.'' she says calling the Doctor and turning around to look back out the window and as she does this she drops her phone, mouth wide open.

"J? J? J!?" Yells the Doctor down the phone.

"What the fuck!" J yells.

"What?" Her mum and sister ask in union, down the phone the Doctor was confused and yelled back "Language" but J could not hear.

"Look?" She gestured to her mum and sisters to look out the window "It's changed, it's all changed.''

Before the streets were in 2019, modern street lamps and cars around, now there were old Victorian Street lamps still modern cars still the same houses but the before blue skies were a dark sea blue with nothing around but other planets.

"NO WAY!" J yells "LOOK ITS EARTH!" She says as she looks towards a planet that could be seen in the sky.

"How is that earth Jam? We're on earth?" Her mum says.

"NO!" she turns panicking "That was a spaceship and it's somehow moved us transported us to another planet that's, that's impossible right?" She says thinking and then says "Oooh." and picks up her phone "Pa?" She asks hoping She's there.

"J?" The Doctor replies, "What's happening what do you mean transported?".

J explained to the Doctor everything she needed to know but unfortunately the Doctor could not help and her reason was just, 'Spoilers' this pissed off J she knows that she can't know things she's not supposed to but she doesn't want her family or anyone else hurt.

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