The one where Amy is angry!

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Graham, Yaz and Ryan had gone home. Was that time of the month where they go back for a couple days to say hi to family and friends before more adventures.

J wanted to stay with her Pa, she loves her family back home but would rather be with her father.

The Doctor did ask her why she didn't want to visit she hadn't since the time she had to save earth with 10th, she just said how they had the privilege of her all throughout her growing up rather than her birthparents River and the Doctor. She just wants more time with her biological family than her other family, she did say how she did want to go visit them before Christmas though.

Just to give them the gifts she's gotten for them, from all different alien planets.

The Doctor took J to one of her favourite places on Earth, Leadworth the small village Amy and Rory stayed. J likes going there to remember them and The Doctor rather enjoys it as well.

The Doctor tried to make sure she would not be there when Amy and Rory is, however the Tardis has other ideas.

They get out the Tardis, to find themselves near the village park. J and The Doctor smile at one another they knew what one another was thinking.

J runs to the Swings like a child, the Doctor follows walking up she smiles at her daughter, "You are very much like me,'' she laughs at J's way to things that she finds herself in her.

"Yeah but now you like love custard creams and not Jammiedodgers, however that means all the more for me,'' She giggles.

"And all the more custard creams for me ey" The Doctor says laughing.

"Unless the gang eat them all" J says sticking her tongue out.

"Before you wiped our memories?" The Doctor gets right to the question on her mind.

"Yes?" J wonders what's about to come.

"Did you ever see Amy and Rory? Before you know" she says thinking about how her best friends were sent back in time to live and die.

"Yeah I did, I mean I might still look this young but we both know I ain't. But yes actually Gran was the one I went to for help dyeing my hair purple when I decided I wanted to dye it," she smiles at the memory. "Of course she didn't want to and told me I couldn't, if only she knew now eh?" She laughs swinging back and forth on the swing.

"Well, she has a point, your natural hair is beautiful but that's not to say your purple ain't and you are beautiful J" The Doctor also swings back and forth thinking how lucky she was to have such a beautiful young woman as a daughter and a beautiful wife that she misses each and everyday. She even thinks about how lucky she is to have met any of her companions but unfortunately that makes her feel more sad than lucky now.

"You know?" J noticed the look knowing her dad was thinking back, "There was this one time" she laughs.

"Go on?" The Doctor raises and eyebrow, stopping her swing to listen.

"Well, just before I left Gran and Grandad, I know what I was going to do, so I took something to remember them by later on. Something to have of theirs after wiping everyone's memory though granted I took it beforehand." She thinks back.

"Well, what was it?" The Doctor is curious.

"Well, Gran was so not happy she chased me out the house running to get it before I typed in coordination. She must have been raging and I was expecting her to mention it the next time I saw her but she never did. I took that wee crystal gem she loved, and Grandads sword cause that meant a lot to him, as the gem did a Gran and Rory never had much he cared a lot about and the sword had history. I have them in my room hidden away from all yous", J laughed

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